Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

Cracks in our foundation

Finally a day when it fits to share this video with you. Since almost the inception of this blog I have wanted to write a post with this video in it.

Today was one of those days that just blows. Yes, I realize that is ironic following yesterdays post about “you creating your day”, or […]

Misty eyed

When you hear the following do you think they apply to you and your life?

Ask and yee shall receive You create your day What you give out you will receive back tenfold That which you focus on will be Karma

Yes? No? If not those how about these?

Serendipity Luck Fate Horseshoes up your […]

wow, Wow, WOW, WOW!

Yesterday was a day filled with karma, fate, luck, and serendipity! I GOT MY KYLIE MINOGUE TICKETS FOR PERU!

I have been watching faithfully everyday for over a month now for the tickets to go on sale. They had announced every other South American country except Peru on Kylie’s website. I was really starting to […]

Daft Vids

I stumbled across these two vids tonight and had to share their genius and skill with you all. They seem to be fairly popular but I have yet to see them and I hope the same is true for you. Don’t be scared at the start of the videos. They aren’t going any place bad […]

Scruff Meter!

Still suffering from some jet lag from being out East, my morning routine was slower than normal and since my routine allows NO room for error something had to give this morning. What lost the priority war today was shaving!

I had already let it go the day before which I do from time to […]

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