Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

Good Vibrations!

I can’t begin to do this appropriate justice right now because I am exhausted but I have been vibrating all night I am so excited! Today I received vacation approval at work and spent 5 hours tonight booking all the flights for my big 30th Birthday vacation!

In the past I have always gone away […]

Where are they now?

Today I had an awesome surprise! Jens (Germany) who I met in Lima Peru found his way back to Backpacker’s Family House in Lima, Peru and commented on my blog. When I got home and noticed his comment that Pedro (Peru) and him were reading my blog and the time of their comment was only […]

Lima me a message

So I am going to pick up where I left off in my diary on the plane.

Still en route to Peru: I tried really hard to stay the night in the Miami Aeroport but it wasn´t going to work. I was scared of agrivating my back. So I hailed a cab and was wisked […]

wow, Wow, WOW, WOW!

Yesterday was a day filled with karma, fate, luck, and serendipity! I GOT MY KYLIE MINOGUE TICKETS FOR PERU!

I have been watching faithfully everyday for over a month now for the tickets to go on sale. They had announced every other South American country except Peru on Kylie’s website. I was really starting to […]

I was shot 3 times today!

Once for Yellow Fever, Once for Typhoid, and once for Hepatitis A! 😉 (The typhoid hurts like a mo-fo)

In prep for my upcoming trip to Peru in November I visited the Government of Canada Travel Reports & Warnings page like I always do when researching a new country or making trip plans. I recommend […]

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