Itty Bitty Blog

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Cracks in our foundation

Finally a day when it fits to share this video with you. Since almost the inception of this blog I have wanted to write a post with this video in it.

Today was one of those days that just blows. Yes, I realize that is ironic following yesterdays post about “you creating your day”, or “positive thinking”. However it isn’t really. Had I not had those ideas floating around in the back of my head I am sure the day would have turned out 1,000 times worse.

So what went wrong? It was just a day when lots of stuff hits you at work, miscommunication occurs with co-workers, friends, & family. A day when you find stuff out about people that doesn’t sit right or people you normally tolerate get under your skin.

So all that said, one deep calming breath and a long hot bubble bath in the dark later… I bring you “Foundations” by Kate Nash…

“You said I must eat so many lemons, cause I am so BITTER”
-Foundations by Kate Nash

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