Itty Bitty Blog

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The Library

Corn off the Cob

What a great day today! Started with an early morning walk to the Chriopractor, then some house cleaning. Once the house cleaning was done I was ready to start my Cuban Cooking I planned yesterday!

I started with the “Crema de Maíz”. Remember I took this recipe from a Cuban cookbook and translated it the best I could.

6 Mazorcas de maíz tierno
1 cucharadita de sal
1 tomate mediano
3 cucharadas de perejil
3 cucharadas de mantequilla
1 cebolla mediana

Desgranar las mazorcas de maíz. Cocer los granos en agua con sal, junto con el tomate cortado en cuartos y el perejil, finalmente. Licuar o pasar por el colador. Sofreír en mantequilla la cebolla cortado muy fino y adicionarla la crema.
Servir bien caliente.

6 Cobs of tender corn
1 teaspoon of salt
1 medium tomato
3 tablespoon of parsley
3 tablespoon of butter
1 medium onion

Shuck the corn on the cob. Then using a knife de-cob the corn pieces. Cook the corn in water with salt, along with the cut tomato in cubes and the parsley, finally. (Use enough water to just cover the corn). Cook to the desired softness. I like mine fresh tasting so not over cooked. Estimated cooking time I used was 12 mins. Using a blender, blend the above (careful hot). Brown the finely chopped onion in butter and to add it the blended mixture.
Served best hot.

So you can see I added some words to the English version like cooking time and amount of water to use. It was so easy to make and the smell in my apartment was amazing too! The hardest part was cutting the corn pieces off the cob. It definitely tasted like something I would eat in Cuba and it was delicious!

So now I had all this soup that I was so proud of and no one to share it with. I took a bowl to the lady upstairs. She is always making stuff for me and it was wonderful to cook her something. Then I noticed online that my friend Hannah had a cold so I decided to take her a bowl as well.

I had a great visit with Daniela and Hannah, it was wonderful catching up with them. Since it is such a beautiful fall day here I had a beautiful drive home with the top down. When I got home I was enjoying being outside so much I decided to wash the inside of my car. Then back into the house to try the second soup “Sopa de Plátano verde”. NOT such a great recipe but tasty none the less. I think it might be better tomorrow.

It is still very nice out so I might go for a roller blade now. Need some ideas on how to spend your day?

  • Try a new recipe
  • Make something for someone else
  • Enjoy being outside, do a chore while you are enjoying outside to make it that much more rewarding
  • Walk somewhere close that you might normally drive to
  • Read for a bit, perhaps do that outside too enjoying some of the last warm days before it gets too cool out

Whatever you do, do it with a smile and some optimism.

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