Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

wow, Wow, WOW, WOW!

Yesterday was a day filled with karma, fate, luck, and serendipity! I GOT MY KYLIE MINOGUE TICKETS FOR PERU!

I have been watching faithfully everyday for over a month now for the tickets to go on sale. They had announced every other South American country except Peru on Kylie’s website. I was really starting to […]

Big Big News!

You know those travel plans I told you about that were in the works? Well… It’s now official!

I am going to Peru!

The trip planning is still taking shape but Peru is a GO because the plane tickets are purchased! The rest will follow…

Many of you may be thinking “But I thought he […]

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