Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

Have a great Monday!

So I woke up extra early this morning and wanted to set your day off on the right foot!

If at all this week you don’t feel like dancing, watch this video and contrary to the lyrics you will want to.

🙂 Enjoy!

A good Sunday

What a crazy night I had last night with Michelle, (second night in a row out till 5 am) so it was a perfect Sunday today laying low and fitting in some quality time with my nephew.

I slept in pretty late today as would be expected and then I lazily turned my focus to […]

My birthday plans

Birthday last year in Rome!

So my birthday has been on my mind lately even though it doesn’t arrive until September. For those of you that know me well you know that every year starting with my 17th birthday I have a tradition of going on vacation by myself. The trips started out small […]

Capital Ex / Klondike Days!

Well this Saturday I had a pleasant addition to my plans for the day. I talked with my neighbor and co-worker Marilyn and she invited me to go to Capital Ex (formerly known as Klondike Days) with our friend Bev. Capital Ex is the summer exhibition for Alberta’s Capital city Edmonton and more than 800 […]

Inaugural Post

The city of Florence

Welcome everyone to my new blog. Though I am used to blogging and writing down my experiences in life, I have never formally used a blog. Historically I have used my site to blog only my travel stories. Here, with this new blog I am not sure what direction […]

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