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A good Sunday

What a crazy night I had last night with Michelle, (second night in a row out till 5 am) so it was a perfect Sunday today laying low and fitting in some quality time with my nephew.

I slept in pretty late today as would be expected and then I lazily turned my focus to housework and working on this site. The work on the site resulted in 2 major functionality additions this afternoon.

  • You will now have the option available to you when leaving a comment on the site to be notified when other people comment after you.
  • Also after you comment on a post other users can comment on your comment in a thread form

I am excited these new features are in place now because one of the main reasons I started the site was to connect with people around the world and these additions will help those conversations. On that note I want to send a big HELLO and WELCOME to my first international visitors to the site from the UK, the Philippines, and the USA.

So after the blog work, and housework I went swimming with my nephew (14 months old) and my sister-in-law. How awesome it is to have him in my life. To get to see his fascination with the water and the people around him while at the same time seeing myself play like a 14 month old again is great. You wouldn’t believe how much fun I was having diving under the water and surfacing on the other side of him! LOL

Then home in time to see Big Brother 10! Once again my favorite house guest is on the block :-(. I know that almost all of my friends and co-workers don’t like Jessie and he was pretty threatening to Keesha in the HOH room but come on people! I stick by my rule “You don’t vote out the eye candy in the first weeks”.

Jessie Godderz Big Brother 10

Jessie Godderz Big Brother 10

Also someday I really have to be inside that house. It is so easy for us to watch things on the show like the food competition tonight and think “Are they stupid?”. It looks so easy from my living room but they seem to have such issues. It must be harder than it looks and with people like Renny and Jerry that must slow you down (was she actually running in circles on the record player doing nothing?) but I have to think I would be more methodical in those challenges.

I will close with a warning to my fellow Big Brother watchers if you missed it tonight. Starting this week it looks like Big Brother is shifting Wednesday nights to Thursdays. So watch for Big Brother at 10 MST on Tuesday and 9 MST on Thursday.

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