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Perfunctory Hugs

The following definition is from Merriam-Webster Online.

Main Entry: per·func·to·ry
Pronunciation: \pər-ˈfəŋ(k)-t(ə-)rē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin perfunctorius
Date: 1593
1 : characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical (a perfunctory smile)
2 : lacking in interest or enthusiasm

Well it is Canadian Thanksgiving today and instead of posting the many things that I am thankful for I wanted to write a somewhat personal entry about one thing I realized this weekend that I am very thankful for.

I have been told by the perceptive that my hugs are perfunctory. Not always true but I know what they were getting at. Another time upon telling a guy I was dating “You are quite the touchy feely person” he replied “Ya, and you soooo aren’t”.

I could sit and debate or suggest reasons for my protective shell but that would be a longer post that any of us have time for. It also isn’t the point of this blog.

Something that became quite clear this weekend is that I am VERY THANKFUL for the hugs in my life that were not perfunctory on either end. Those truely special hugs that if you close your eyes you can almost envision them happening again. A hug of comfort in a mutual time of pain, a hug of goodbye to someone that touched your life, a hug of hello to someone you can’t believe you have lived without, or a hug of true 100% I LOVE YOU and you are safe in my arms.

So as I remember I hug that I once had of the I LOVE YOU variety it is my wish for you that you experience and remember many more of these special hugs!

Happy Thanksgiving!

2 comments to Perfunctory Hugs

  • An expert in bodily gestures was on some show I was watching and said that you could tell a hug was perfunctory when the huggee patted you on the back during the hug, which means, “fine, fine, alright already, get off me!”

    Crotch grabs are never perfunctory!

    admin Reply:

    LOL I want you to know I have been thinking about this for a bit now and I agree with you, I don’t think that Crotch grabs can ever be perfunctory. Somehow though I don’t think I can switch to those in place of hugs 😉

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