
So I write this to you all because it is now 5:43 in the morning and no one else I know is awake.

I need to write and process this immediately while it is fresh and this was the first thing that came to mind. Tonight I had a visit with a ghost! Well two in fact I think. They were here at 5:27 am and I am still being covered in waves of goose bumps!

Here are the notes that I quickly scribbled down while my computer was booting up. I have been having a abnormally hard time falling asleep tonight and have been woken up startled a number of times throughout the night. Then at 5:27 am I was very awake in my bed but I was paralyzed and couldn’t move. I had a crazy sensation of white to light blue Aura in my bed. Goose bumps covered my entire body and the hair on my head was standing very straight up! There was a distinct sound change in the room, the normal electronic hum of my apartment was gone and replaced with the light sound of soft moving air.

Then still not being able to move I could see in my peripheral vision a figure rising from the vacant side of my bed. It then moved across me and through my mid section, I feel very stupid now because at this point I couldn’t bare to look directly at it. While the figure was on top of me another “something” but I want to call it a small dog was sniffing at my face. I could feel the gentle touch of whiskers on my eyelashes and forehead, also the small puffing of air coming from an animals nostrils.

TERRIFIED and in a state of panic not able to speak I kept saying in my head “please go, please go, please go”. I could hear a very very faint voice far far away with undistinguished speech. The figure on top of me finally moved off and I was able to move again and shot straight out of bed.

The whole incident I can only estimate lasted for about 45 seconds. I want to phone someone, anyone so bad but it is still very early here. Thanks to the world of the internet I was able to process this by typing to you but I was also able to chat on Facebook with my friend Laura from Mexico who I met in Prague, who is currently studying in France. I love the internet!

I have had such little sleep tonight and the alarm is going to go off in less than an hour so I doubt I will go back to sleep but I am going to lay down for a bit at least with the TV on. Thoughts?

13 Replies to “G-G-G-g-g-GHOST!”

  1. I think it makes sense that they would come to you, because you’re so spiritually open. Yikes, maybe next time say “sit down let’s chat” It doesn’t sound like they were aggressive. Have you ever perceived anything like this in the apartment before?

  2. I really don’t think I would ever sleep again if that happened to me. A few months ago I was sure someone was sitting on the end of my bed, I could feel the depression of the bed as they sat down and I just had the feeling there was someone sitting there. I pulled the blankets up around my head and never looked over to see, I finally fell asleep, but it freaked me out, anymore I am sure I would be moving.

  3. When you come to Calgary make sure it is on a Wednesday or Sunday and we can go to the spiritulist church and see if you have any messages that need to be heard.

  4. I agree and think if there was to be a next time I wouldn’t be so FREAKED OUT OF MY MIND and might talk or listen or at least look at them! hehe As for things like this in my apartment before never, closest would be a friend’s mom that came to me in a dream 4 years ago to deliver a message to her family.

  5. I hear ya, if I was able to move and wasn’t paralyzed I would have had covers over my face or been clinging to the ceiling. Though I think that was a first time reaction.

  6. Paranormal activity was common in the townhouse I lived in 3 years ago in downtown Indianapolis. They are row townhouses that used to house nuns at the turn of the last century. The nuns were nurses for the old St. Vincent hospital. My best friend lived in the unit before I did and he and other neighbors experienced quite odd happenings. I was present to hear door slams, footsteps upstairs when no one was up there, and other oddness. My friend had a priest cleanse his unit and I never experienced anything while I lived there. Is your place old? A cleansing ritual can be performed. Until then, get some sage smudge and smudge you place. Be sure to get the smoke into the corners around the ceiling; be thorough, saying aloud to any unwanted entities that they are not welcome and should leave.

    Adam Vinatieri has a nice ass!

  7. My place is almost 60 years old, so yes they have seen some tenants in that time frame. I will keep the cleansing idea on hand if it becomes problematic. So far 1 ghost and their dog in 8 years isn’t all that bad.

    As for Adam… I did notice him last year Superbowl but that would make me a Colts fan instead of the long term Pats fan I have been. 🙂

  8. A few months ago I had a week or two of being awoken in the middle of the night around 2:00 AM every night. It felt like there was a precence in the room watching me. It didn’t terrify me, but felt very odd.

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