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Whine & Cheezy

I am kinda depressed right now after watching “The Bachelor” from Monday night. It was a better episode than last week but the entire part of Ali drove me insane. What made it good to watch was the home visits. I wasn’t sure if my ratings would change from the week before but Gia & Tenley did switch for me. So here is how my ratings now sit.

Neil’s Girl Rating:

1) Gia
2) Tenley
3) Vienna
10) Ali

You will notice that even though Ali quit the show and chose her job over Jake I have left her in my ratings. This is because of that extra cheezy, predictable phone call that Jake received at the end of this weeks episode. I don’t think we have seen the end of her 🙁

As for the home dates… I loved Gia’s family in New Youuuurk. I really enjoyed how her step brother threatened to bust Jake’s legs. I also really started to understand Gia and appreciate her nervous giggle. She is just as scared of getting hurt as I am. I can relate to her.

Tenley… *sigh* there are just so many issues there. Really super nice girl… Wife material for Jake? Still not sure on that.

Vienna… While I appreciated that her mom confirmed that Vienna has always had girls ganging up on her in life, I still don’t know if that makes it OK. Do you want to marry someone that has that affect on people? It is just as much Vienna’s fault as it is the other girls in my books. I do enjoy though that she has some back woods qualities to her and her family that came out in this show. I didn’t see that coming.

Ali… Well like the title of this blog post says… Whine & Cheezy…

I am excited for next week’s show simply because it will have St. Lucia scenery in it. As for why this show left me depressed was that I didn’t like the phrase “Falling in love” tossed around so much. Is that really possible that “Love” could exist like that, multiplied by 4? I don’t think so. So how do you peel away at that and are any of them real?

2 comments to Whine & Cheezy

  • Nick

    OK I heard someone quit the show. Ali is terrible she is just playing games to get at Jake. I think he should just cut her loose. Its like crazy girl at the beginning just Ali knows how to do it better.

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    admin Reply:

    Agree 100% total game player! That or a poor Hollywood scripting attempt. It is a bit reminiscent of “Crazy Girl” Michelle from the beginning of the show.

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