Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

Bad Romance

While the song is growing on me, the video blows my mind! A video of this caliber would cost upwards of $1 Million easily. Lady GaGa’s newest single “Bad Romance” is pretty catchy but the video is smoking hot (at the end quite literally). One thing I sort of noticed while watching the video was […]

Movies that blow goats

The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009) Rating:

Ugh! That was one bad movie! I didn’t enjoy it at all. Granted I had a few chuckles in it, however mostly I would chalk them up to “OMG am I really watching this? LOL”

I sometimes am alone when I can’t stand a movie but […]

It has arrived!


Today I bought my very first PlayStation! The Slim PlayStation 3. I first got turned onto the idea when visiting my friend Dylan in Calgary. That dude always has the wickedest electronic configurations! I loved how the PS3 could sync up with your computer and wirelessly play all your videos, music, and photos on […]

Farmer’s Market

Saturday afternoon was awesome! Becca, Michelle, Jackie and I went to the Strathcona Farmer’s market. I really wanted it to feel like a cozy activity so I decided to accessorize for the event. I wore mostly brown and earth tones, cord pants, a big over-sized sweater and a scarf. I eco-responsibly brought my own bags, […]

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