Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

Up my kilt!

OMG I have never been more excited to be Scottish! You will definitely find these up my kilt someday soon! I wonder if they have my family tartan?

Being a Kid, Being an Adult

As I walked home today in the 26 degree weather I looked at the tall wide blades of grass and thought “I can’t remember what it sounds like when you put a piece of grass between your thumbs and blow”. I almost let that thought go and then I realized that if I stopped for […]

Depths of Despair

I was talking with a co-worker this morning about the stages we all go through when bad stuff happens, or we are hit with shocking, undeniably truths about something, someone, or ourselves.

Years ago I was in a training workshop and they called this the depths of despair. Think of it as a giant valley. […]

One thing at a time

To quote my friend Bev…

I can only do one thing at at time and right now I’m talking on my cell phone

When I saw this sign at my local Safeway last night, I thought of how Bev says this when people are being inconsiderate.

At first I thought, what a B*tchy sign! Then […]

Flashing Red & Blue

I just received this hilarious chain e-mail. The original e-mail asks you to respond directly to the person in confidence. I think I am willing to just ask for your public responses via comments on the blog! LOL

If you saw ME in a police car, what would you think I got arrested for? […]

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