Itty Bitty Blog

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IKEA Kitchens
The Library

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Perfunctory Hugs

The following definition is from Merriam-Webster Online.

Main Entry: per·func·to·ry Pronunciation: \pər-ˈfəŋ(k)-t(ə-)rē\ Function: adjective Etymology: Late Latin perfunctorius Date: 1593 1 : characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical (a perfunctory smile) 2 : lacking in interest or enthusiasm

Well it is Canadian Thanksgiving today and instead of posting the many things that I […]

Misty eyed

When you hear the following do you think they apply to you and your life?

Ask and yee shall receive You create your day What you give out you will receive back tenfold That which you focus on will be Karma

Yes? No? If not those how about these?

Serendipity Luck Fate Horseshoes up your […]

Melting Racism

I know pretty heavy topic for a Tuesday morning but for some reason the topic of Racism has been popping up in my life lately.

Living in Canada I am sometime oblivious to race or skin tone because this country is so diverse you come to expect that the people around you may or may […]

Beam me up, not down!

Remember yesterday’s post and how on top of the world and happy I was. I mentioned that I was beaming out good vibes to everyone. Well today at Union station (subway) I stopped for a second to let a lady come through the door in front of me. A very grouchy voice from behind me […]

Corn off the Cob

What a great day today! Started with an early morning walk to the Chriopractor, then some house cleaning. Once the house cleaning was done I was ready to start my Cuban Cooking I planned yesterday!

I started with the “Crema de Maíz”. Remember I took this recipe from a Cuban cookbook and translated it the […]

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