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Not so curious story…

Just got back from seeing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) Rating: ★★★☆☆

Cate Blanchett & Brad Pitt

Overall it was an OK movie. I didn’t feel there was too much of a story but I still enjoyed it. I am giving it three stars for the following reasons:

  • It had Brad Pitt in it! My favorite Actor. I also really enjoy Cate Blanchett as an actor.
  • It was longer than 2 hours long (166 mins). I love epic movies!
  • A few times in the movie it made me think and that is always good.

The only specific thing I didn’t enjoy was the movie had many scenes were the speech was indistinguishable. Never a fan of wishing there were subtitles turned on for an English speaking movie.

The REAL curious story…. Why are some people let out of their cages? Serious today was full of crazy, irrational, messed up people and many of them came to the movies. I won’t even get into the stupid stuff they did, but I think they missed the memo that the full moon was on Monday and they were making up for it today!

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