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Warehouse Party!

Backing up a bit here I completely forgot to tell you about my warehouse party experience in Vienna! While in Vienna I went to a monthly/quarterly themed Warehouse Party in the Ottakringer Beer factory. The event is called Drama! Club and that it is indeed.

The timing was just perfect that I managed to be in town for “Dance for love & freedom”. The warehouse was transformed into a hippie style den with multiple rooms spinning very different music. In my opinion the rooms were “the Rave room”, “the chill room”, and “the rip your shirt off, expose your muscles, and dance like this is your last chance to dance techno room”. Along with the theme many people dressed up to fit the 60s love and freedom theme.

I really enjoyed myself at this party and here are some shots I snapped.

Drama Club Warehouse Party Wien
The DJ in the techno shirtless room high above the crowd of muscle gods!

Drama Club Warehouse Party Wien
Party Central

Drama Club Warehouse Party Wien
Each room had a bar or two like the one shown above. Now this is something that I am not sure if I liked or didn’t like. Well who am I kidding. I didn’t like it! LOL The drink prices in Europe are ridiculously expense especially at events like this. Upwards of $10 Canadian per drink. So what that means is people don’t drink very much, they also don’t even think about going out to the clubs until around midnight or later. This means that you are screwed if you work the next day, you will be bored stupid if you have nothing to do before going out, the crowd maintains normalcy, no one gets very handy, and there are no beer goggles or interesting tipsy people to watch. So while some call this more advanced and perhaps more cultured I agree, but I still don’t have to like it.

Check out these two short videos that I uploaded. The first is a sample of the techno room. The second isn’t meant to be watched, it is for listening. I LOVED THIS sound when it came on and apparently it is not a new song, just one that I missed. I used my camera to record a snipet and then used my iPod app Shazam to discover it is “Heater” by Samim.


(I didn’t focus the camera because I was to busy dancing!)

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