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Knowing Duplicity

Wow lucky enough to catch two great movies playing in theatres this week.

Knowing (2009) Rating: ★★★★☆

This movie I saw with Lesley and Michelle. At first the movie was really getting to me. I have talked about my non tolerance for “Irrationality” before on the blog. It is the one thing that really can push my buttons and I have a hard time letting go or forgiving. Well the beginning of this movie was filled with irrational moments such as “He would NEVER say that!” and “They would never do that” and “That so wouldn’t happen”. But then the movie picks up speed, really gets going, and if you are like me it MAKES YOU THINK! I love that this movie had very little foreshadowing so it wasn’t giving you clues or giving away the movie as you went. After you see it, chat me up. I would love to ask you for your philosophical take on the ending. The three of us went and each came out with a different opinion.

PS This movie really does have some scary parts that will make you jump!

Duplicity (2009) Rating: ★★★★☆

Another 4 star movie in my books! Which was good because going in I heard a bad review. However, I loved the movie. This one I saw with Bev. We were both glad to see Julia Roberts in a movie again, and Clive Owen had his hot moments in this film too. This movie does have multiple time lines so it would help to watch it with a clear mind. You don’t have to focus too much on what is going on cause it won’t help much. Just sit back and enjoy the fun ride that any good Spy movie will give you.

PS I soooooo want to be a Spy someday. Just for a bit to taste the life style.

2 comments to Knowing Duplicity

  • Michelle M.

    Well I am glad you liked it and glad to hear a good review. I love Ms. Roberts so I did plan on seeing it even though I heard the bad review as well. Just goes to show how subjective movie experiences are and how you can’t always trust anothers opinion.

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  • becca

    Did she laugh in the movie…I’d pay $10 just to watch clips of Julia Roberts laughing…it makes me so happy.

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