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Last Will and…

Time for things you may or may not know about me LOL

I just finished having a conversation with my friend and neighbour about Wills and Funeral arrangements. She was going to get one put together and another friend freaked out and questioned her as to why she was even thinking about it. Sure you might argue that he was just doing the proper friend thing and making sure she was healthy or not planning anything rash, but this was not the case.

I am a big supporter of getting that planning out of the way. What started this for me was already by my early 20s I lost three very close friends. One suicide, one epilepsy during her sleep, and another a heart attack. The suicide was one of my best friends and I felt very close to him. I had an overwhelming feeling that I wanted to be buried next to him. It was a number of years I lived with that feeling until a co-worker said “Would it make you feel better if you bought your plot?” The answer was a huge YES!

So I bought one of the last plots in that cemetery near my friend and the moment I signed the papers I can’t tell you how good I suddenly felt. I was on a roll so I also took care of my Will, Living Will, and Funeral Directives.

Sure a tad morbid but I take great pleasure knowing that I have all these things in order. The way I travel and do things like cliff diving and standing on edges of mountains like I just did in Peru, the Will was important.

My family and I have very different views on Living Will directions so it was very important for me to spell out all my wishes so they wouldn’t have to make decisions that went against their beliefs. It is all written down in black and white and they can follow them happily knowing what I want.

So don’t think about how morbid planning might be. Every time you travel abroad, go bungee jumping, have kids, eat the poisonous blow fish that has to be cut a certain way or anything else, think about how much more life you can enjoy in those moments by knowing that in the off chance things don’t go according to plan, your wishes will be followed. Also your family or people you leave behind will have one less stress in their time of mourning.

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