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Reunion Trip?

You may have noticed a temporary new page on EatingLifeUp that requires a password to access it. Since Becca saw it and asked about it I thought I would explain. It has to do with these guys…


Quite often I see friends that I meet in my travels around the world again on future trips and sometimes we become friends for life! A bunch of us from the photo above really hit it off in Peru in November of 2008. So we have talked about a reunion ever since. We are using that page on my site to organize plans and keep everyone posted as to our different statuses. The reunion is going to take place in Montreal, Canada. So far two people from Germany are confirmed and 2 of us are watching our bank accounts and one of us is looking into a VISA to enter Canada.

We are very excited to see each other and if not on this trip I am sure in future travels.

The countries we represent are Canada, England, Peru, Germany, United States, and the Netherlands.

If the reunion goes down and I am there, I will be sure to blog all about it!

PS Did you know I am going to Montreal next Wednesday? Stories to come from that trip too I am sure!

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