Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

Biggest Slurpee EVER!

Walking home one day from work I heard a strange slushy sound and realized it was the river below me. I sounded like someone mixing a slurpee with their straw. Sadly the sound is barely audible on this video but the image is beautiful to me!


Don’t go left tonight

Well it’s bound to take your life, there’s a bathroom on the right!

OMG what a crazy last couple of nights! I saw the bad moon arising or at least that is all I can think of that could be causing this. For the past two nights I have had intense dreams and nightmares. Last […]

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