All about backs

First of all, I am back and so is my back. I was ignoring my sore back because I have been busy lately and on Wednesday morning my back had ENOUGH! The pain was ridiculous and after 2 chiropractor sessions, 1 massage, a muscle relaxant and a drink I am feeling much better.

Second, Big Brother was back tonight and what a wonderful present for me that was. Libra was unanimously voted out of the house because everyone had Keesha’s back. This went along with the results from the poll in the last post. So sorry Nick, I know she entertained you (I think there is plenty more entertainment still in the house for you) and sorry Jimmy your bold soul sister is gone. One thing that surprised me is that I was glad to see Renny win HOH tonight. I don’t know if she is growing on me or if I was just happy that when it got down to two of them Renny won and Keesha didn’t.

Finally, referring back to the entry about my birthday plans I have landed on the 9 two hour parties and finalized most dates. Close friends in Edmonton & area will be receiving e-mail invites to the events I think they would most enjoy. For the curious reader here is the list of the 9 two hour parties I landed on.

  1. Drag Show
  2. Bubble Tea Date
  3. Casino Night
  4. Wing Wednesday Lounge Drop-in
  5. Friend Dinner
  6. Drinks after work
  7. Bar night
  8. Bowling
  9. Family Dinner

Final thoughts:
-Twenty-nine in Estonian is Kakskümmend üheksa (Learning my numbers right now)
-I might be able to enroll in Spanish Level 2 in the fall
-Big shout out to Christina and @ly for tremendous support and having my back!

Crisis averted!

So I turned on my TV tonight in prep for Big Brother and BLUE SCREEN! So I naturally SAW RED! LOL the only reason my cable is turned on right now, besides the odd peek at the Olympics, is to watch Big Brother. So I waited on hold for 20 mins with the cable company to be told that the power company hit a water line in the neighbourhood and that knocked out the cable. He could sense that I was a bit beside myself since I only watch 3 hours of TV a week (That is 1.78% of my life) and one of those hours was missing. He just came right out and said I could phone in the morning for a credit. All well and nice but I needed a TV now! Luckily my friend Miguel came through for me and I hopped in the car and was able to get to his house before it started.

I was on the edge of my seat during the POV, holding my breath during Jerry’s obnoxious veto ceremony speech, and so excited when he decided not to use the power of veto!

So I leave you all with this poll tonight…
Livid LibraKrazy Keesha
[poll id=”3″]

Kylie Minogue “The One”

Here is your first blog dose of my favorite artist Kylie Minogue! I fulfilled a dream of seeing Kylie perform overseas in May this year when I saw her 5th concert stop on her KYLIEX2008 tour. I visited the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic and the fairly new O2 arena. It was one of those things that just all fell into place but you aren’t sure if you should jump on it or not. I highly recommend that you do JUMP in these situations and I am very grateful to the people in my life that gave me the push. It isn’t everyday you can run off to a European country for a week, see amazing sites, meet great friends, and see your favorite artist in concert. (That list doesn’t even come close to listing everything I got out of that trip!)

Well I started this post to share with you Kylie’s newest video for “The One” that was released yesterday. It is from her newest CD “X”

Neil’s Travel Tip #5:

  • Buying concert tickets to a concert in a foreign country? Check the venue or ticket seller website out thoroughly! Look for details in the FAQs, Ticket Sales or Terms & Conditions pages for Out Of Country purchasing information. Often there will be separate procedures to follow and sometimes they can be very manual. For instance when buying my Kylie tickets I was merrily completing the online form and was presented with a confirmation number telling me I had to purchase the tickets at any Česká pošta outlet, newspaper or tobacco shop, gas station, shopping mall or any other place displaying the Sazka ticket logo. And I had to do this in the next 72 HOURS!!! I immediately freaked and started making some calls and looking around. I found out that for international customers you have to put in an e-mail request for tickets. They will then reply with your confirmation number and their bank details so you can complete a WIRE TRANSFER to their account in the next 7 days. The wire transfer was a whole different problem I won’t cover here, but if you need more info just ask me.

Updates + Travel Tip #4

Welcome to readers from France, Switzerland, Brazil, Sweden and now Taiwan! 🙂

World Record Walk:

  • A couple days ago I found out that it is official! Canada set a new world record with 231,635 participants walking one kilometer simultaneously on October 3, 2007, 12:30 PM EDT. I was one of 23 co-workers that were part of the 30,945 Albertans that took part. So I can now say that I broke a World Record!
    Guinness World Record Logo

Sex and the City status:

  • I plan to watch more episodes tonight but as I write this I am on Season 3 Episode 10. Episode 4 of this season was an interesting one. It was all about sexual labels. Good to have them? Bad to have them? Especially when it comes to the label of “Bisexual”. This seems to be a hot topic in today’s society and they even held a workshop on it at the LGBTTQQ summer camp I volunteered at this summer. The Sex and the City girls didn’t seem to really decide on if Bi was a real label or not in the show but seemed to end more with the idea that if two people are happy… they are happy. They joke a lot in this episode and Samantha identifies as Trysexual (Try anything once). I don’t think I have ever seen this episode before and at the end I was sure I hadn’t. Alanis Morrisette kisses Sarah Jessica Parker and I don’t think I would have forgotten that but maybe I blocked it out. Episode 5 is the beginning of the Aiden episodes and is also when Carrie stops smoking. I was not a fan of the Aiden story line and by episode 9 Carrie has already slept with Big. So hard to watch.

Big Brother quickie:

  • So very cool to see Jase, Mike, Janelle, Amy, and Matty from the past seasons last night! Nice to also see that Libra is finally on the block! I was so sure that Dan was going to blow it when he was feeding Michelle that line of “I am just such a weak player” but he appears to have pulled it off. People I am now cheering on in order of Most favorite to favorite are… Robert ‘Memphis’ Garrett, Dan Gheesling, Michelle Costa, and April Dowling.


  • No medals for Canada yet 🙁 Apparently they are coming though. My other favorite countries are doing pretty good. Italy & France are tied for 5th and Czech and Cuba are tied for 8th. I haven’t watched much of the Olympics but a few people caught my eye. I saw Tatiana Guderzo (Italy) take Bronze in the women’s gruelling road race. I saw Marian Drăgulescu (Romania) looking good in Men’s Gymnastics. Mathieu Bois (Canada) in Men’s swimming looks promising as well. Oh and I saw Kitajima Kosuke (Japan) win gold in the Men’s 100m Breast finals. So awesome to see the excitement in his eyes and the good sportsmanship of the fellow swimmers congratulating him.

Neil’s Travel Tip #4:

  • Did you know that if you purchase a 1.5L bottle of water (best size for carrying and making sure you stay hydrated in Europe) near a tourist attraction in Europe it can cost up to $4. If you walk 2 blocks away from the attraction it will cost around $2. If you walk one or two blocks off the main drag you can find it for $1-$1.50. However if you find a supermarket/grocery store (often downstairs in space challenged cities) that same bottle will be approximately $0.32. When you find that grocery store tell everyone in your hostel when you are walking there and take them with you. You will meet great people, save everyone money, and they will share with you cool things they learned that day.

Movies and Games - New Releases

Morning Surprise!

I worked from home on Friday as you may recall and some people thought it was because I was in mourning over Jessie Godderz being evicted from Big Brother Thursday night. Well when I got to work this morning I was met with a hilarious surprise!

This is what my office door looked like!
My Office Door
It was covered in goodbye messages from some of the houseguests and then 3 co-workers wrote their goodbye messages (Nick, Leslie, & JoJo). So I had a good laugh and thought it was pretty funny, but then I opened my office door… I thought the joke stopped there but inside there were 36 images of Jessie strategically placed or hidden around my office. It was almost like a mini Power of Veto or HOH competition for me to find them all.

Jessie Collage

Absolutely hilarious!!! Made my day! I hope you all enjoy this tribute to Jessie Godderz from Big Brother 10 that Nick, Leslie, and JoJo made. We all know they made it to deal with their secret love for America’s favorite bodybuilder contestant. *Shhhhh* We won’t tell anyone guys.

Watch for the normal Sex and the City and Big Brother 10 Sunday show update when I get home tonight. 🙂