Party #2, #3, & #4

Sorry for the delayed updates… Also lack of a Big Brother update. I have yet again put out my back and worse than last time.

Party #2 was bubble tea and that was really nice. I tried the shaved ice this time instead of bubble tea and it was so amazing I may never order bubble tea again LOL. Some people had to cancel because many of my friends have come down with the flu or colds but we still had a good turn out and filled up one of the couches. Big thanks to Karey who picked up the tab when he left because they don’t allow individual payments on big groups.

Party #3 was that same night, right after Bubble Tea. We headed to the casino for a night of money dropping. I had a great time and lots of laughs but also lost almost all of my money. Then a string of good luck came my way and I built back all of my money plus $60.

Party #4 was sadly was canceled. It was to be Wing Wednesday with a bunch of friends, but yesterday was the day my back went all crooked. So muscle relaxants in hand and while driving to the Chiropractor I made the phone calls and text messages to spread the word about the party. Thanks to everyone for their understanding.

I saw the Chiropractor and it helped a little bit but it will take numerous sessions to fix. I was in so much pain that when I left the office I fell into my car and got stuck. I had to swallow my pride and phone the Chiropractor on my cell phone for her to come out and pull me out of my car so I could get back in properly.

Tonight’s party I plan to still attend because it is a quiet sit down dinner. I was going to type a bit about Big Brother but my back is screaming so I have to end this. Let me just say that I was thrilled that Memphis won the POV and took Dan off! So they are both safe. I can’t wait for tonight’s show.


Party #1

What a perfect way to set my 9 birthday parties off to a good start! Though let me tell you this was no 2 hour night!

The place was packed! We got there early enough to grab a few tables and chairs but we had to fight for them and still some of my friends didn’t get a chair. It was so great to share the wonderful drag talent we have in Edmonton with my friends (including my favorite performer Bianca in the photo above).

In total there were 13 of us at the start of the night, everyone really enjoyed the Drag Show. My favorite performances of the night were:

  • Ivona Diamond (Miss Merry Christmas) singing Lynn Anderson’s “Rose Garden”. I love that song!
  • Vanity Fair did Dolly Parton’s 7 min 35 second white label mix of “Nine to Five” and brought down the house and her skirt with a wardrobe malfunction
  • Ivona Diamond and Leah Way did “Sisters” from my favorite Christmas movie “White Christmas”. Their feather covered umbrellas really made the number
  • Bianca did a great Diana Ross doing a remix of “Love Child”. My friends were quite impressed with not only Bianca but her amazing Silver Shimmer Dress

Then after the show 9 of the original 13 went to another bar where unknown to us a 2nd Drag Show was just starting. Including a few performers from the previous bar LOL. We danced all night long after that show finished until they turned on the “ugly lights” at 2:30 am. Then we went in search of food and ended up with 5 of us eating nachos with pickles back at a friend’s apartment.

The whole night ended sometime after 4 am, luckily this was least tame out of all the parties and today is the only day this week without a party so I can recover. I am really looking forward to the rest of the parties this week especially some of the sit down dinners!

I leave you with controversial photo of Leah Way wishing me a happy birthday! LOL You never know what to expect from a Drag queen!

My favorite season!

So I have decided Fall is here! I know it isn’t supposed to start until around September 20th but the weather and the trees beg to differ. I am totally OK with this because Fall has always been my favorite time of year!

The fact that it is starting now excites me because that hopefully means that it will last a lot longer. There past few years I have felt cheated out of a good Alberta fall. It seemed like one day the leaves were yellow, the next they were on the ground and the third day it would snow.

This year looks more promising. There is a cool crisp and fresh feeling to the air. There are little hints of yellow among the trees. I spent the day at the cabin today and the Canadian Geese on the lake were so vocal they seemed to be having meetings about their upcoming trip to the South. I love the mornings that I walk out of my apartment and you can’t tell if it rained last night or if the fall dew was just really heavy. I also love how I find myself taking extra deep breathes to fully inhale and appreciate the season shift.

Activities I look forward to in the fall are my yearly birthday trip and Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday). Granted this year I have decided to stay home for my birthday but I have a major trip that is in the works and looks promising. This trip will be in November and I can’t wait to tell you all about it as soon as I book the tickets.

So I leave you all with great wishes for a wonderful fall! Or if you are reading from the opposite hemisphere I hope you enjoy your spring. Then there are those of you who, like my families in Cuba, don’t experience much of a season change and have never experienced a fall. For you I will be sure to take pictures! (The pictures in this post were photos I took from prior years)


Eagle vs Sh…

So I have had a very productive morning! I was inspired by a post that Michael did on boredom, pictures of Davey’s simplistic apartment and & photos of Jakey’s spotless bedroom. So I did two loads of laundry, did the dishes, steam cleaned my bedroom, cleaned the bathroom, and cleaned my back shed all by about 1 pm! Thanks internet world for the inspiration!

Then I decided I needed a break and was going out for a drive. On my drive I phoned my friend Becca who was about to watch a movie with our friend Jodi. So I drove over to join them.

Little did I know we were about to watch…
Eagle vs Shark (2007) [rating:0.5]

Eagle Vs Shark

Eagle vs Shark is the tale of two socially awkward misfits and the strange ways they try to find love; through revenge on high-school bullies, burgers, and video games. Blech! I took that synopsis right from imdb. Sooooo not my kind of movie. I am told by Becca and Jodi that it is almost identical in humor to Napoleon Dynamite. This makes me sad because I was actually going to watch Napoleon Dynamite so I could understand the hype but now I don’t think I will. LOL I mean yes sometimes I did laugh at the movie but mostly because I couldn’t believe I was watching it or that someone would make a movie like this. Visually it was interesting in some parts but OMG consider this a warning if you don’t like movies that are based on messed up humor or don’t have two hours to forfeit because you will never get them back.

All that being said I had a wonderful afternoon with my friends Becca and Jodi. 🙂

*shakes my head* “Did I really just watch that in entirety?”

Sex and the Movie

Final Sex and the City status:

So after watching the entire series from start to finish my friend Bev and I went to see “Sex and the City the movie (2008) [rating:4.5]”

I definitely got a lot more out of the movie the second time around because all of the characters and past story lines were fresh in my memory. The full frontal scene in the movie was better the second time around too because I knew it was coming so it built up anticipation LOL

Something I grabbed from the movie this time was Carrie’s thoughts on “Are we only allotted a certain number of tears per man?”. I think this is another spin on the saying I always use “The human body is built to forget pain”. Scientists have done studies apparently and if the human body didn’t forget pain they say it is highly unlikely woman would have more than one child. You can experience this phenomenon yourself in a less dramatic scenario than child birth when you think back to a troubled part of your childhood, a bad time in school, or past relationships that went bad. Unless you are constantly dwelling on these situations the pain, the anger, and the clarity of these situations will lessen. In the case of relationships you sometimes have to think hard about why you ended it because the further away from the break-up you get the pain drops away and you remember the good times (Unless of course abuse or something equally dramatic happened).

For me this phenomenon most often occurs with my vacations! I can remember that horrible events occurred on a vacation but the sense of pain or panic fades away. If I still remembered the freaking out, panic and terror that was attached to the following:

  • the bear attack
  • the dead guy in the pool
  • the forest fire and car crash on an interstate
  • the totaling of my car
  • the robbery of my passport, camera, tickets, credit cards
  • the shooting of three people in front of me
  • the plane ride that lost engines and then couldn’t get landing gear down
  • and many more….

Well I can assure you I would never travel again!

So I guess this Sex and the City update turned into a big THANK-YOU to what ever internal safety our bodies have to keep the memories and lose the pain!

Lastly I wanted to share with you the fun experience that Bev and I had at “THE BEST TILL EVER”! At the theater we went to there was a guy with a hand drawn sign in front of his till that read “THE BEST TILL EVER” So naturally I chose this line-up. Bev and I fully acknowledged that he was the best till ever. I was having so much fun already with him and I wasn’t even at the front of the line. When we got to the front of the line he seemed very pleased that we were agreeing with his sign. The result, we were happy, he was happy, the service was great and…. he gave us our movie tickets for the low low price of $0.75! Bev was asking me “why it only cost us $0.75” to which I replied “Well because this is THE BEST TILL EVER of course!” Next time you see a game similar to “the best till ever” play along! Don’t be the person with the cocked eyebrow that thinks the person trying to make their job enjoyable is on crack. The rewards for everyone involved will be great every time!