Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

Cracks in our foundation

Finally a day when it fits to share this video with you. Since almost the inception of this blog I have wanted to write a post with this video in it.

Today was one of those days that just blows. Yes, I realize that is ironic following yesterdays post about “you creating your day”, or […]

Daft Vids

I stumbled across these two vids tonight and had to share their genius and skill with you all. They seem to be fairly popular but I have yet to see them and I hope the same is true for you. Don’t be scared at the start of the videos. They aren’t going any place bad […]

Facebook funny

HAHAHAHA what I am about to share with you is mostly for the laugh. Though I am sure that all of you can identify with at least a bit of the song especially if you use Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, the song probably still speaks to you on that fact that everyone uses […]

Disturbed by Disturbia

While doing my morning check-in on the web I stumbled on the music video for Disturbia by Rihanna. I still love the song but I am not a fan of the video. I think mostly because up till now when I heard the song I pictured my own video. My version of the video had […]

Have a great Monday!

So I woke up extra early this morning and wanted to set your day off on the right foot!

If at all this week you don’t feel like dancing, watch this video and contrary to the lyrics you will want to.

🙂 Enjoy!

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