Itty Bitty Blog

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Falling into Peru

Well the Peru trip is really starting to take shape and pull together.

THANK GOD! because I leave 2 days from now!

I hadn’t heard anything back from the travel agent in Peru regarding my flights to Cusco and train tickets for Machu Picchu so tonight I had to call Peru. The girl that speaks English wasn’t working so I talked to a very friendly man in Spanglish and got things worked out. He asked me to e-mail them again and shortly after I did I received an e-mail back with two flight options. That really set me at ease.

I also e-mailed my first hostel and asked them if I could move my reservation up a day and stay with them on the first day I arrive. The prior plan was to stay in a hotel for my first night but that wasn’t working out. The hostel was also offering to arrange a driver to pick me up at the airport. They replied back and said no problem they would extend my stay and that when I arrive I should look for a driver with my name on his sign! I am so pumped! To me that is so Hollywood! I have always wanted to see my name on a sign in an airport.

The final good news I have is that I stopped by the currency exchange in the mall today and bought all the Peruvian Soles they had in stock. It wasn’t much but definitely enough to land me on my feet when I arrive in the country.

So looking forward to this!

P.S. because of all these good developments it looks like I will be venturing out for Halloween tomorrow so look for pictures of my Roman Poet costume I promised awhile back that I would take to share with you LOL

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