Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

EatingLifeUp Movember Stache

The Inspector
Thoughts:Last Days...
Progress:$795 raised

See Kylie? No. Follow Kylie? Yes.

Here is an update from my last post about possibly going to see Kylie in 2011 for her Aphrodite tour. I have decided not to go to Kylie for a 4th time. I just couldn’t justify an expensive trip escape the Canadian winter to visit the European winter. Not to mention right now the fuel […]

2 for 1

For all of you that watch ABC’s “Bachelor Pad” you would have seen in the last episode Jesse Beck eats a banana and claims he peels it the correct way. Paton thinks he is on glue but he goes on to say “that it is how Monkey’s peel them” and “They are professionals”. He peels […]

Pity Party for One Please

Yesterday I had a great revelation. I was sitting at home all mopey, and grouchy that I was not traveling for my birthday this year and I had to work. To make it worse the work day was so nasty it left me with a headache. I cancelled plans with my mom, took two Tylenol […]

Stupid Moment of the Day

I don’t know why but I constantly do this. I stand over the toaster watching the toast slowly turn brown and then *SPROING* the toast pops out of the toaster and scares the hell out of me!

Does anyone else do this?

4th time’s a charm?

I know, I know! I said that I wasn’t going to travel to see Kylie Minogue anymore after seeing her in Prague, Czech Republic, Lima, Peru, and Toronto, Canada….

But her new album Aphrodite is so awesome… and and this will be her biggest concert yet… and and So many cool countries I haven’t seen… […]

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