Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

I like Bananas too!

In case the mustache fooled you that was indeed Reese Rideout making another appearance on my EatingLifeUp. I can’t get enough of his crazy videos. But all the reasons he lists for loving Bananas I agree with! It truly is a fantastic fruit and I eat them all the time. They are probably right […]

Random Thought

A Home Hardware commercial was on TV today and it ended with their slogan…

Home Owners…. Helping Home Owners

And it made me think… Do you have to be a home owner to work at Home Hardware? What about a very handy, home renter? Not that I am interested, just something that made […]

Can you spare some change?

Today I have a cold that I got from taking care of my 3yr old nephew earlier this week. I have been taking really good care of myself and staying home to get better and taking ColdFX.

However each day, to feel alive I get showered, dressed and head to Starbucks. Today I didn’t have […]

Friday Funky

Not typical Neil music, but I stumbled upon these guys while reading someone’s online profile. It was such an interesting song that I knew I wanted to share and some of you will dig it. I think I like it, but it is boarderline a Starbucks iTunes pick of the week. 9 times out of […]

Coffee Talk

Neil – 8:04am

I have a new favorite drink Decaf, Venti, No Room, Toffee Mocha, Americano Yuh Ummmmmmm!

Nick – 8:07am

If I could actually remember what you order from one day to the next i would almost swear you used to drink this. Just sounds familiar. But conisdering I can’t remember what colored socks […]

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