Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

“Magandang umaga”

Or “Good Morning” in Tagalog! Yes, it is true, I am headed to the Philippines on Friday! It may come as a surprise to some of you blog readers because I didn’t give any fore-warning on here, but it all happened pretty fast! I have been spending days, nights, and weekends getting ready for this […]

Walking on Broken Glass

I found this video of Annie Lennox and was AMAZED at the quality of the mixing they did not only with all of her songs but also with the mixing of the video! I really like this video and I hope you enjoy it too! However “Walking on Broken Glass”, and “Little Bird” always make […]


OK after tonight’s episode (Which I loved by the way) I am beginning to agree once again with some of the conspiracy theorists on the net that Big Brother’s Producer Allison Grodner likes to manipulate the show in a way to influence America. They show so many clips of Ronnie talking about him getting the […]

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