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Big Brother Mania!


I know I have been lacking on the Big Brother updates because of my back but don’t think for a minute that I stopped watching!

In fact I haven’t missed an episode this entire season. I may have also been resistant to write about Big Brother for the last couple of episodes because it might have ended up sounding something like this….

Dan, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Memphis, Memphis, Dan, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Memphis, Dan, Dan, JESSIE, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Dan, Memphis, DAN, DAN, DAN!… Jessie!

Needless to say it has been a great few episodes for my favorite house guests! Memphis getting himself off the block. Dan and Memphis’s plans working down to the letter. Dan winning HoH. Dan winning the luxury competition! It has been awesome to watch. They are down to the final three now with only Dan, Memphis, and Jerry (pffft) remaining.

Speaking of the luxury competition! My favorite house guest Jessie Godderz made a guest appearance in the competition inside a gorilla suit! So perfect! In Jessie’s own words “Yeah, it’s me! …. I mean, who else could fill out this suit?” That line I am sure infuriated Leslie, Nick and Joanne.

Classic Jessie!

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4 comments to Big Brother Mania!

  • Nick

    Egad! as soon as I saw Jesse all I could think of was you squeeling at your tv, I would say jumping too but your back wouldn’t allow that 😛 I’m very happy to see that Dan and Memphis’ plan is working but felt super bad for Keesha. I agree with Memphis’ reason to get rid of Keesha but it sucked for her. Also I hope this helps get Dan more votes, I think he should be the big winner. Go Dan!! Oh and if for some freak reason Jerry wins the final HoH I’m going to be soooooo not happy. Did anyone else think Jerry was going to fall off that plane before it even cut to the first commercial? I sure did, lol.

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    admin Reply:

    Hahahah I so was squealing when Jessie popped out of that Gorilla suit! I agree though I felt very bad for Keesha, it was very sad to see her go like that 🙁 In a perfect world it would have been nice to see her at final 3 but she still would have had to go sometime for Dan and Memphis to win. Better now I think for the reason you stated Dan is getting a vote from her for sure!

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  • JoJo

    I didn’t hear what Jessie said so thank you Neil for letting us know. I was thinking he wasn’t so bad as long as he doesn’t speak. The comment actually confirms my thoughts. Very sad that Keesha lost – I wanted her to win! Go girl power! Or as I’ve taught my daughter (6 years old) to say “Girls rule, boys drool.” Oh well, there’s always next year.

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    admin Reply:

    You still have a chance to give Keesha some cash! Visit and vote Keesha for your favorite Juror until 11:59 Monday!

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