Postcard #23

Most people know I like my coffee Bold and Black! India however is slowing changing me. Two weeks ago I started taking my coffee with sugar and today they steamed a little carafe of soy milk for me that I didn’t ask for. I added it to my coffee and it was enjoyable. Am I becoming that “Venti, Bold, with and inch of steamed Soy” guy? Pictured here is my weekend Starbucks substitute. Café Coffee Day. There are Starbucks opening in India but not in Pune. Until then, Café Coffee Day is doing a good job!
        Coffee Break, Pune, India

2 Replies to “Postcard #23”

  1. I really really hope you stay more socially inept than the 1″ steamed soy girl…don’t backslide on that one please. Thank you for sharing your adventures 🙂

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