Itty Bitty Blog

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The Library

A good mouthful

Because the reasons behind my being a vegetarian are more environmental, body health, and social responsible I really wanted to watch this video. It was 19 mins long but utterly facinating. If you have the time give it a watch. It is a feel good story in my eyes and provides hope. Especially after eating that force grown, woody, fuzzy, tomato I had last night 🙂

1 comment to A good mouthful

  • Lesley

    This is DEFINITELY an idea worth spreading! Thank you Neil for that little bit of inspiration.

    ps. I have a great book I can loan you once I’m done reading it called “Eating Animals”. It talks about some of the same ideals seen in this video and makes you really take a look at what your eating and thinking about where it came from. Something I hope catches on more and more with our society.

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