Aces & Blocks

Hot Pink V-ball

OMG so sore and so tired but totally PUMPED! I can’t remember if I told you all or not but I joined a co-ed social volleyball team this winter. We have games every Sunday night and tonight was our first practice!

I have to admit I was very nervous about how tonight would go but it blew away all expectations. The team is awesome and I really enjoy them all. After some pointers from a couple college ball players on the team a lot of my high school skills came back to me. I am very stoked about our first game!

I wanted to blog some more tonight but my arms are dead. I am gonna head to bed and hopefully some of the pain will go away tomorrow!

Oh ya our team name……… “Girls with Hot Aces & Guys with Big Blocks!” >;-)

6 Replies to “Aces & Blocks”

  1. Sounds like fun!! Glad your enjoying it.

    Hate to disappoint you about the pain though but I’m sure your already experiencing today that it is a tad worse than yesterday…

  2. Lesley beat me too it, the next day is always worse and for me I find day two the worst and then it starts to get better.

  3. Well I took too advil to kill the swelling last night and drank a tonne of water. So today I am definitely more limber than I was last night. Still sore but not nearly as bad. I do know from past experience that you are right Michelle day 2 sometimes is a completely different story! We will see…

  4. Awesome, I totally forgot you joined the team. Are we allowed to show up to your games with mini skirts and pom poms?

  5. Pom Poms and Mini Skirts are encouraged! But maybe wait until I report back as to how my first game goes LOL

    Oh and I signed a waiver that said all spectators will be over 18 and if they aren’t they assume their own risk. Spectators over 18 are covered under insurance from rogue ball injuries.

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