Even my coffee questions me

I know I have issues with commitment and I have discussed them in the past on the blog but these issues lately have been very front of mind.

After this last trip to Europe I felt like something changed inside me that would let me approach commitment with a better frame of mind. I was very excited to put this to the test. However with each let down, bad date, or example of commitment gone wrong, I feel that change slipping away. I don’t want to become jaded again and I guess the first step is seeing it happening.

Twice this week friends have questioned my commitment issues and on Tuesday my coffee cup even tried to nail me with this…

Coffee Advice

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. – Starbucks cup

I am hopeful that 2010 will bring some light to this issue. Today I signed a 3 year contract on my internet and it is kinda urking me. I have 2 years left on my cell phone. My car has under 3 years left now. Is there room for the relationship that I so desire?

2 Replies to “Even my coffee questions me”

  1. Of course there is room. Internet, cell and car do not take the place of relationship and the relationship does not have to have a defined time.

  2. How very true! Here’s hoping though that it at least will have a significant amount of time vs. the 1-5 days I have seen recently LOL

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