So about that scenery

Bachelor Wings of Love Cast

So far this is the best body shot that I have found on the net to share with you. Rest assured a few more days and there will be many more available from the show.

Jake Pavelka

The first episode was packed full of hot shots of Jake in exotic locations with his shirt off and everyone even my morning radio station was talking about the scene with him in the shower were the camera just zoomed in on his abs for an extremely long time. Not complaining, just saying. Did I mention he is 31? Perfect for me! LOL

However the big part of the first show is the girls! Here are my notes… A bit scattered because with 25 girls I didn’t really nail the names yet.

The first girl that stuck out was Tenley.
I don’t know why but her dancing on the beach and the fact that she has played Ariel (little mermaid) in Tokyo and other Disney princesses was cool. Her story was a good one too. Married to her first for many years and then he broke her heart. She seems sweet and genuine. Turns out whatever I saw, Jake saw too. I was thrilled when he gave her the “First Impression Rose”. She could prove me wrong though, she had a touch of crazy at one moment.

Dog Girl
I don’t know her name but I did NOT like the girl with the dog! I can only hope that she was one that Jake got rid of.

Love her! She is awesome! So glad she is still here.

Corporate Flight Attendant and she made a good impression on me.

Snowboard Girl
No name recollection but she snowboards, Jake is really into skiing. The two just don’t match. PS Jake, I love skiing!

Restaurant owner that brought the Jellybeans for the girls. HATE HER! She needs to go.

One word “CRAZYYYYYY”, I can only hope that the network made Jake keep her in the house.

Now for the bad one-liners from the show:

  • The host to Jake: “Would you give up flying for love?” What a retarded question, what he meant to say was ‘could you date a girl that didn’t fly’ but he posed it as though he would have to quite his job. PS Jake, I love to fly! 73 flights in the last 2 years, just saying…
  • Girl to Jake meeting for the first time while grabbing his biceps: “Do you have a registry for those guns?” *groan*
  • Channey to Jake first in Cambodian then in English: “Jake, you can land your plane on my landing strip anytime.” This has been all over the net! Crazy first impression *bletch*!

Since you won’t see her again on The Bachelor, here she is for the one and only time on EatingLifeUp… Heeeere’s Channy!

So there you have it, my first Bachelor review. Hopefully next time I can give a rating to my favorite girls. So far though you know I like Tenley, Ali, and Kathryn.

I think I also like Rozlyn
and Vienna

Oh and Jake… Don’t think I didn’t notice you check out the host at the beginning of the show. If the show breaks your heart again like last season, give me a try.

4 Replies to “So about that scenery”

  1. We seem to be on the same page. Her got rid of my favourite girl I think her name was Elizabeth (there were two) and she was in the Military. I really liked her but she didn’t try hard enough. I like Ali a lot and I think she will be around for a long while and Tenly as well although her voice gets to me. I also liked Ella (the one with the kid) and the other Katherine (brunette) and the Canadian girl I think her name was Jesse, she caught all the football passes. Michelle is CRAZY with all caps baby and Christina (Jelly bean) is a BITCH. I also think Rozlyn is there for the wrong reasons she is trying to bolster her modelling career and my bet is that it comes out that she is the one with a boyfriend or fiance or whatever those previews were showing, if not her then it will be Gia (Swimsuit model). Anyways that is my two cents.

  2. Can’t wait for the show tonight to form some more opinions. But I agree with you on your comments. You are right the Canadian girl that caught the football was good too.

    I like that Rozlyn pointed out her name means little rose LOL Kinda like subliminal messaging.

  3. STOP READING IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED YET!!! – I totally called it, I knew Roz was a bitch that was only there to promote her career. I loved the “my personal life is no ones business” I just about choked on my chips. Can’t wait to read your thoughts, I was so going to call you but then I wasn’t sure if you were watching or PVRing so I didn’t want to ruin anything.

  4. HAHAHAHA awesome! Yes I watched it last night both live and PVR at times when I had to pause. I was going to blog last night but I chose bed instead because I thought maybe you would be watching tonight and I would blog one day late.

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