Decaf Love


Many of you may know that I have been caffeine free now for over 2 years. Those same people probably know how ADDICTED I was before I went off my 6 litres a day. I have reached a happy place now where I am able to have decaf drinks every now and then without craving the real thing.

As a result, Starbucks has crept back into my life in a number of ways. If you love Starbucks as much as I do you might enjoy these things as well!

1) Even though it isn’t “Holiday” anymore you can still order your favorite drink, or at least I still can. Here is my standing order:

“Decaf, Venti, Soy, Extra Hot, No Whip, No Foam, Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha”

2) If you use a Starbucks Card to pay for your purchases and you register that card online there are many benefits. Such as free drinks, free soy, free flavor shots, free WiFi in store, and balance protection. If you card is lost or stolen they can cancel and move your money to a new card.

3) You can now become a fan of “Starbucks Canada” on Facebook. If you live abroad there is the generic “Starbucks” page.

4) I don’t know how I missed this but on December 7th Starbucks organized an awesome video as part of their Project Love & (RED) campaign. The video is amazing and explains itself. It also reminds me of places I would like to see someday.

After watching that video I came up with this list of countries I haven’t yet been to that are on “the list”. This list is in no particular order. This list contains some countries that aren’t exactly safe to travel to but I hope to see someday. If you have a fabulous experience or story with one of these countries comment and let me know. Or if you live in one of these countries let me know too!

Some countries on my list:

  1. Bolivia
  2. Dominican Republic
  3. Australia
  4. Estonia
  5. Kenya
  6. Vietnam
  7. Sweden
  8. Qatar
  9. Fiji
  10. Poland
  11. Ireland
  12. Japan
  13. Cambodia
  14. Cyprus
  15. Lebanon
  16. Finland
  17. Afghanistan
  18. Chile
  19. China
  20. Brunei
  21. Madagascar
  22. Norway
  23. Denmark
  24. Ghana
  25. Mongolia
  26. Panama
  27. Ukraine
  28. Venezuela
  29. Switzerland
  30. Israel
  31. Moldova
  32. Ethiopia
  33. Guyana
  34. Georgia
  35. United Arab Emirates
  36. Belize
  37. Ecuador
  38. Belgium
  39. Iceland
  40. Argentina
  41. Belarus
  42. Croatia
  43. Honduras
  44. Slovakia
  45. Macedonia
  46. Jordan
  47. Costa Rica
  48. Saudi Arabia
  49. Lithuania
  50. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  51. Latvia
  52. Nepal
  53. Bhutan
  54. Pakistan
  55. India
  56. Russia
  57. Barbados
  58. Luxembourg
  59. South Africa
  60. Maldives
  61. Bahamas
  62. Egypt
  63. Serbia
  64. New Zealand
  65. Zimbabwe
  66. Republic of the Congo
  67. Armenia
  68. Albania
  69. Tunisia
  70. Guatemala
  71. El Salvador
  72. Thailand
  73. Bulgaria
  74. Seychelles
  75. Columbia
  76. Uruguay
  77. Morocco
  78. Portugal
  79. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  80. Antigua

WOW! That list is huge! I won’t be running out of places to visit anytime soon. That doesn’t include countries that I have already been too, countries that I want to go to that weren’t in the video, or countries I want to see again. If your country isn’t listed and you think it should be let me know why. I probably left it off because I have already been there or don’t know the reason I should go yet.

2 Replies to “Decaf Love”

  1. Ooooo good point! It wasn’t in the video so it wasn’t on my list. So yes Puerto Rico is now added to the list!

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