Get me a belt!

In this case a conveyor belt! So after giving up 2 hours of my life to the premier of “The Bachelor” tonight I couldn’t help but stay up late, keep the dial on ABC, and watch “Conveyor Belt of Love”. This would be a great example of why I need PVR! (which I am finally getting on Friday btw)
Conveyor Belt of Love
While unlike The Bachelor I don’t see myself getting hooked on this show, I just had to watch. The whole idea I find very appealing. The premise of the show is that 5 single girls sit in front of a conveyor belt and 30 single guys roll out, have 60 seconds to sell themselves and either the girls are “Interested” or “Not Interested”. If more than one girl is “Interested” the guy gets to choose.

With all the fear I have had sorting through guys lately I would jump at the chance to pick at will based on 60 seconds. That is just enough time that if they are crazy, they can’t attach and I can send them on their way.

I told myself I would take a break from dating at the end of 2009, but it is 2010 now so I say “GET ME A BELT!”

4 Replies to “Get me a belt!”

  1. It’s sounds like its kind of a spin off on speed dating but I’m with you in that it would be an interesting concept (although not sure if I’d ever really watch it on tv).

    ps.. I LOVE my pvr. It is a great but dangerous little invention because once you have one it is hard to go without. It does let you watch what you want most importantly when you want or when you have the time and without commercials (probably my favorite part).

  2. Totally agreed! The best for me will be watching when I want. So I will save good shows on late for nasty days when nothing is on.

  3. I watched that last night too!! lol, the name was too good to pass up!
    It kind of reminded me of Blind Date/Elimidate (which i LOVED).

    p.s. i am in LOVE with Keiko!

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