*sigh* Jake *swoon*

Jake Pavelka

Hold onto your keyboards I think that EatingLifeUp is trapped by this season of “The Bachelor”. We will see how it plays out and I will bring you my commentary and insight as the weeks unfold. It is super late and I still have one more blog to write before the night is finished so I will type up my notes from tonight’s show and share them tomorrow night.

For now I will say that Jake is of course beautiful, his body is amazing, his heart seems pure, however I don’t know how good he is at reading people and I worry about him picking the right girl. So far he has picked a few of my favorites but left a couple crazies too.

From the preview of the rest of the season it looks like we are in for some amazing scenery and also some DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!

4 Replies to “*sigh* Jake *swoon*”

  1. I swore I wasn’t going to watch but I started with Brad Womak and then he didn’t pick DeAnna so I watched her and then she didn’t pick Jason so I watched him and so on so I guess I am stuck on this stupid cycle until they pick someone different (or someone I hate). I PVR’d it so I will watch it this weekend, I didn’t have two hours to give up last night I wanted to sleep.

  2. The agents and producers make most of the first picks, I read before that the bachelor can only save 5 that he really likes from who is left once they choose the cast

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