Itty Bitty Blog

Things I love right now:
IKEA Kitchens
The Library

Україна має талант

Almost immediately after this started to play I knew I wanted to share it with you. This is from Ukraine’s Got Talent apparently and is called Sand Animation. I know it is a tad longer than I would normally have on my blog but I think worth it for seeing something new.




ATTENTION: Your regular Kylie Minogue post for today has been Pre-empted by this special announcement! The musical talent in this was too good for you not to share. So grab your body suit and get your boogie body going!


LOL and now for all the Single Ladies! That’s right! Beyonce Jazzercise style!  Link



  Since 1989 Kids Help Phone has been Canada’s only toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone and online counselling, referral and information service for children and youth.

When I was in my early teens I remember using the Kids Help Phone once from the back of a candy wrapper. Therefore, I was going […]

Kylie Men!

  My favorite Kylie Dancer! Marco da Silva, you will see lots of him, his body, his dancing, his tattoos, and his acting I love it all!  I couldn’t decide if these outfits were more sporty or S&M  One thing Kylie concerts have no shortage of is costumes that accentuate the male physique.  No […]

Fun Theory

I think this should be required viewing for all executives. Sad thing is I think too many of them are already broken to get the point. However maybe this video could change 66% of them for at least a day.

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