Postcard #24

The McAloo Tikki Burger! Yet another option available from the “Veg” kitchen at McDonalds. It is no match in my books for the McSpicy Paneer but I enjoyed the copious amounts of thickly sliced fresh tomatoes on it. Essentially it is a potato and pea spiced patty, with tomatoes, onions, and sauce. I am also liking Fanta on tap but I miss my DDP (Diet Dr. Pepper).
        McIndia, Pune, India

Postcard #23

Most people know I like my coffee Bold and Black! India however is slowing changing me. Two weeks ago I started taking my coffee with sugar and today they steamed a little carafe of soy milk for me that I didn’t ask for. I added it to my coffee and it was enjoyable. Am I becoming that “Venti, Bold, with and inch of steamed Soy” guy? Pictured here is my weekend Starbucks substitute. Café Coffee Day. There are Starbucks opening in India but not in Pune. Until then, Café Coffee Day is doing a good job!
        Coffee Break, Pune, India

Postcard #22


This is a daytime and night time shot of the mall I risk my life crossing the street to visit. It’s call InOrbit Mall. I like the daytime picture because it captures one of the three wheeled auto-rickshaws or Tuk-Tuks here. I still haven’t ridden in one but I am sure it will happen!
        InOrbit, Pune, India

Postcard #22





I can’t say enough good things about the movie theatre here! Starting with seating! They have all the rows and seats labeled and numbered, they have 3 sections (Star, Premium, Gold), you get to pick your seat when you buy your ticket, the prices are tiered, if you choose Gold level you get the very back row with the plus Lazyboy-like electronic remote controlled fully reclining seats and the best part is there is no need to lineup hours in advance because you already have your seat! Next is the food! When you order meal items other than pop and popcorn they ask for your seat number, make it fresh and deliver to your seat! All films have an intermission for bathroom/snack breaks. I really enjoy that even if the movie is in English it has subtitles! One interesting item is that anytime in the film that a cigarette is shown a warning message is displayed on the screen like the one shown above “Smoking is injurious to your health”. As you can see I saw Argo yesterday and really enjoyed it! Ben Affleck acted like I have never seen him before. Final thought… If you look at the ad in the last picture. For some reason I am not compelled to buy why appears to be “Pepsi Blue ball” 🙂 Oooooo PS before every film the audience stands for the national anthem of India while a ginormous Indian flag waves on the screen! How cool is that?