Bodybuilder train wreck

Sheesh!!! For those of you that know how much I have been rooting for Jessie Godderz to go far in Big Brother 10, you know how hard it must have been for me to watch tonight’s episode. We have seen it happen over the years in past seasons and it happened again. They feel threatened and then slowly the pressure builds and they loose their minds!

Jessie just couldn’t chill, he had to annoy Keesha and the other house guests a thousand times with his attempts to bully them into doing things his way. First he tried reason, had he stopped there it might have worked. Then he tried lying / stirring the pot, not the best plan but it could have incubated had he left the idea there, but noooo. He then started yelling, freaking, calling out, and so many other stupid moves.

If he doesn’t go home on Thursday night I will be shocked, but this is Big Brother and the entire house could shift by then.

Well I still have Memphis and April in the house, though I don’t think many of you like them either.

I end this blog with a request. If you feel sorry that my favorite player self destructed tonight you can do me one favor. Go to CBS Big Brother Polls and vote for Jerry to be offered “America’s Player”. That’s right! I said Jerry. My reason for this is warped and not why you might think. I think that this offer if given to Jerry will make him self destruct! LOL If you can’t find it in your hearts to bring down Jerry, consider tossing a vote in the direction of Libra. 😉

Whoooo do I love this show! Night everyone!

My Walk to Work

Most mornings I walk to work through the Edmonton River Valley. I wanted to share with everyone the beauty of the walk I get to enjoy each day! I was grateful this morning for the opportunity to take these pictures for you because this morning I saw things that I pass by each day but apparently I needed to have a camera in hand to see their beauty.

My decent into the river valley
My decent into the river valley

The roots that make natural stairs that guide me through the mud without slipping or twist my ankles when I am in a hurry

The bike path I walk on

I hadn’t ever noticed these until this morning with my camera

This is the foot bridge that I cross the river on each morning if I walk or when I ride to work

The Edmonton Queen, a paddle boat that you can book for parties on the river.

This is the view through the bridge, everynow and then it creeps me out seeing the water running below me

The garden in the next photo is full of different varieties of Roses like this one.

This picture doesn’t begin to describe the powerful smell of roses I get to enjoy each morning on the many switchbacks through the rose garden

Cute little chipmunk said hello this morning on my walk

Asian inspired bridge in the pagoda park. The bridge is surrounded by all the figures from the Chinese Zodiac. This one is the year of the Sheep / Ram (My year)

The Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Rooster / Cock

This flower is the reason I walked to work this morning with my camera. I saw it yesterday and was mezmorized by it and wanted to come back today to share it’s magnificent colors with everyone.

Another odd variety of Lily

These tall poplars that line roads or paths take me back to Italy. There are two spots on my morning journey that feature them and I enjoy them for the memories they trigger

Last photo of the series, facing across the river to the four pyramids in the Edmonton River Valley. After this I hike out of the river valley and end up on Jasper Ave, the main street in Edmonton’s downtown core.

I hope you enjoyed walking to work with me today!

Have a great Monday!

So I woke up extra early this morning and wanted to set your day off on the right foot!

If at all this week you don’t feel like dancing, watch this video and contrary to the lyrics you will want to.

🙂 Enjoy!

A good Sunday

What a crazy night I had last night with Michelle, (second night in a row out till 5 am) so it was a perfect Sunday today laying low and fitting in some quality time with my nephew.

I slept in pretty late today as would be expected and then I lazily turned my focus to housework and working on this site. The work on the site resulted in 2 major functionality additions this afternoon.

  • You will now have the option available to you when leaving a comment on the site to be notified when other people comment after you.
  • Also after you comment on a post other users can comment on your comment in a thread form

I am excited these new features are in place now because one of the main reasons I started the site was to connect with people around the world and these additions will help those conversations. On that note I want to send a big HELLO and WELCOME to my first international visitors to the site from the UK, the Philippines, and the USA.

So after the blog work, and housework I went swimming with my nephew (14 months old) and my sister-in-law. How awesome it is to have him in my life. To get to see his fascination with the water and the people around him while at the same time seeing myself play like a 14 month old again is great. You wouldn’t believe how much fun I was having diving under the water and surfacing on the other side of him! LOL

Then home in time to see Big Brother 10! Once again my favorite house guest is on the block :-(. I know that almost all of my friends and co-workers don’t like Jessie and he was pretty threatening to Keesha in the HOH room but come on people! I stick by my rule “You don’t vote out the eye candy in the first weeks”.

Jessie Godderz Big Brother 10
Jessie Godderz Big Brother 10

Also someday I really have to be inside that house. It is so easy for us to watch things on the show like the food competition tonight and think “Are they stupid?”. It looks so easy from my living room but they seem to have such issues. It must be harder than it looks and with people like Renny and Jerry that must slow you down (was she actually running in circles on the record player doing nothing?) but I have to think I would be more methodical in those challenges.

I will close with a warning to my fellow Big Brother watchers if you missed it tonight. Starting this week it looks like Big Brother is shifting Wednesday nights to Thursdays. So watch for Big Brother at 10 MST on Tuesday and 9 MST on Thursday.

My birthday plans

Birthday last year in Rome!
Birthday last year in Rome!

So my birthday has been on my mind lately even though it doesn’t arrive until September. For those of you that know me well you know that every year starting with my 17th birthday I have a tradition of going on vacation by myself. The trips started out small with things like road trips to the Rocky Mountains for the weekend and then got progressively larger with experience and confidence to trips like 3 week long vacations in Europe. There were many reasons for these trips such as exploring who I am, reflecting on the past and future, and the fact that while I don’t mind the aging process I have never been a fan of birthdays.

Well a couple years ago some friends surprised me with a birthday a month early in August. They were tired of never getting to celebrate my birthday because I would be off in the world somewhere. At first I was a bit upset but at the same time touched and I had a wonderful evening.

This year has been full of great travels early on so I will actually be home this year for my birthday! I will also be turning 29. I have been tossing around ideas of what I would like to do and today with the help of my friend Bev I believe I have landed on the perfect plans.

To celebrate the monumental 29th year I am going to have Nine Two hour parties! 2 x 9! That’s right 18 hours of fun (spread out surrounding and on my birthday) with various friends! This was the perfect solution because I was having trouble thinking of plans that would allow me to hang out with as many of my friends and family as possible. Some of these groups overlap but some don’t so this should work great.

So drop me some ideas people out there in the land of blog! Some ideas that Bev and I already came up with are:

  • Patio Party at Earls
  • Bowling
  • Movie night
  • Supper out with friends maybe Culina, Gabbana, or Matahari
  • Party in the park
  • Bubble tea

(Note: 9 x 2 hour parties are merely a guideline and theme. Actual party time frames may differ and come in slightly over or under the 2 hour mark. The party organizer assumes no responsibility if fun is in excess or short of 2 hours)

Click on Comment and add your idea!