Day of random energy

So today has been all over the place. I slept in and didn’t go to the cabin cause the weather wasn’t optimal and my mom wasn’t going to go. (I might go on Monday and if I do then I hope to take pictures) Then I watched the newest Futurama movie that my friend Dylan lent me. It was definitely good for a few laughs. Following the movie I spent an hour on the phone catching up with a good friend from Vancouver.

So after a chill morning I called up Dylan and we went shopping at Jysk for a new office chair but in the end I think I am going to try and replace the hydraulics on the chair I currently own. Anyone ever done that?

After Jysk we had lunch and when I dropped Dylan off he lent me the Entire Sex and the City box set. It is going to take me forever to get through the entire series but it should be a fun and emotional ride. I will be sure to let you know my progress as I plow through them.

Not sure what the evening is going to bring but I leave you with this creepy thought…

While perusing my friend Tarl’s Facebook page I came across this odd widget. Apparently I would feed 13 cannibals. The way I travel that could be useful knowledge, but I think more so for the people traveling around me. LOL How many cannibals do you feed?

How many cannibals could your body feed?

Huge News!

Not even one day after writing my blog about my Anthony Robbins experience I received an e-mail offer to attend UPW (Unleash the Power Within) again in Vancouver. I weighed out all the options as to why I should or shouldn’t go to the event and phoned some key people in my life to bounce it off of them.

At the end of the day everything just lined up too perfectly.

  • I was already going to be in Vancouver at that time for work
  • I missed day 3 of the 4 day event last year and needed to experience it
  • I have made lots of great strides since the last event and I am ready for a refresher

So…… I signed up! I am going to see Tony Robbins LIVE in Vancouver! 😀

I know that this is exactly what I need because it scares me. It is gently pushing against the walls of my current comfort zone. The other day I read a post by a blogger named Michael Moniz titled One-Risk. It challenged me to take one risk yesterday! Well Michael this is the Risk I chose to take and I know it will have tremendous rewards!

Not only am I excited about Tony Robbins but I am excited to be in the room with all of the other people attending and all the Anthony Robbins staff. The energy that the room achieves is one of the biggest rushes!


Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins

Expect the Unfreakinbelievable!

So I am typing this on the commercials as I watch Big Brother 10. I am completely beside myself watching the show because my buddy Rob totally blew it earlier tonight and told me that Jessie didn’t get evicted tonight! (Dang time shifting) That being said I think it is making that feat even more unexpected. We are 28 mins into the show and Jessie hasn’t done anything to make people want to keep him in the house. In fact in many cases he has done things to make people hate him.

Don’t get me wrong! I am THRILLED that my man Jessie is still in the house, I just don’t know how?

OMG OMG OMG so we are now 36 mins into the show and not only did Jessie survive but he got all 8 votes! I LOVE THIS SEASON!

So Leslie, Joanne, Nick, Christal, and anyone else that likes to debate the awesomeness of Jessie, looks like we are stuck with the muscle for at least 1 more week! 😉

Julie Chen’s comment to Dan in the diary room was priceless! It went something like this “For the record I am married, but Mrs Chen is my mother” LOL I can’t wait to see him blush when he gets booted out of the house and meets Julie face to face.

Next priceless comment… Jerry’s goodbye message to Angie “You are a NEAT girl … One cool cat”. He can’t go soon enough.

Hmmmm an earthquake challenge? I like where they went with that but not sure how appropriate it is following a real earthquake. I did however like where America went with America’s player. Thought I didn’t get my wish for Jerry I am totally OK with choosing Dan. So for Dan’s first challenge we the viewers get to vote on who he should try to have nominated. Head on over to the CBS website again for your chance to vote. (I am fully supportive of you voting Jerry again, if not him perhaps Ollie? We barely remember he is in the house each episode.)

So I leave you with my last favorite comment tonight…

Memphis on the earthquake wall to Jessie “Hey Jessie take your shirt off” LOL

Jessie's ripped shirt after the Sweet Dreams Honey Competition
Jessie's ripped shirt after the Sweet Dreams Honey Competition

The results are in!

Since this blog is still new many of you might not know I am a vegetarian. I wasn’t always a vegetarian but after a weekend with Anthony Robbins in Vancouver December 2007 I haven’t looked back. I went to his UPW (Unleash the Power Within) conference expecting great insights, life and attitude changes. While I did have those, I was not expecting what would occur on the 4th and final day of the conference.

The final day of UPW is all about Health, Wellness, Nutrition, Energy, your body and feeling good GREAT! Anthony Robbins doesn’t try to make anyone a vegetarian and does provide people with many options and alternatives. However for me, everything just clicked and later that night, sitting in the airport White Spot restaurant, as I handed the menu back to the waitress I realized that shockingly I was now a vegetarian.

Well that was 8 months ago now and I am still with it. When I first was welcoming this into my life it was pretty easy. I didn’t miss meat, and I didn’t have any cravings. The biggest problems I had to deal with were the social ones. Things like:

  • Christmas at my mom’s with a giant turkey on the table she worked hard to cook and I wasn’t having any
  • Going to a potluck at work and not having many of the dishes that people brought to share
  • Wing Wednesday? While you can still go, it doesn’t seem the same if you aren’t gorging on 1,000 wings for $0.10

The funniest thing that happened was about 1 week after getting back from Vancouver a giant 5 lb bag of beef jerky I ordered 2 weeks earlier to support a co-worker’s soccer team arrived. (Though it made a good Christmas present for my Step-dad)

Then there was support, over support, and non-support to deal with. As you can imagine I loved the support! (Thanks to Sathiya at work for welcoming to the Vegetarian club and giving me this “membership card”) Lots of people were supportive of the change, cheered me on, and shared great recipes. Some people (thank goodness not many) weren’t very supportive at all. Then there were the over supportive people. They were the cautious ones. They were worried that I was going to get sick, or concerned that I wasn’t going to maintain proper nutrition. You might call these people non supportive but I prefer to think of them as over supportive because they seemed sincerely concerned and worried for my health. It was because of these people I promised to have my doctor oversee my diet change and monitor my health.

Well I am proud to announce to everyone that I saw my doctor today and I am healthier than ever before! In addition to an overall thumbs up I received, my iron, magnesium, and calcium levels are all right where they should be. Iron and calcium I know people were specifically concern about.

Well I think this post served it’s purpose. For blog readers new to my life (btw welcome to the following new countries Australia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Germany, Hungary, & Poland) you now know I am a vegetarian and how that came to be. For everyone else in my life you know that I am good and healthy!

Off now to wait patiently for Big Brother 10 to start tonight where I get to find out the fate of Jessie Godderz! 🙂

Disturbed by Disturbia

While doing my morning check-in on the web I stumbled on the music video for Disturbia by Rihanna. I still love the song but I am not a fan of the video. I think mostly because up till now when I heard the song I pictured my own video. My version of the video had Rihanna and I driving in my car, top down, it had just rained outside, the air was fresh and we were cruising down Jasper Ave sometime after midnight headed to the club. LOL Then it ended with your typical music video club dance scene. Check out the vid but I warn you it is fairly dark so if you picture the song upbeat then watch with your ears.

Now if you need to be perked up and have your day set right check out the video for American Boy (Feat. Kanye West) by Estelle! I didn’t picture this music video either but I am a fan of it and love some of the shots they use.

What do you think Queenie should we incorporate the shots with the three split screen vids? I thought of you instantly when I saw the fedora shot.