…And another one bites…

Another one bites the dust! Two to be exact!

So in my last Big Brother 10 update I stated my wishes for tonight’s DOUBLE EVICTION episode.

The heat is going to be on and in a perfect world I could only hope that he gets so vicious that Thursday, for the double eviction, Michelle goes home followed directly by Ollie.

Well I got my wish exactly! Like most double eviction episodes it was jam packed full of intense moments. Watching the HoH competition get down to Jerry and Keesha I was shaking in my boots for the outcome. It looked like Keesha was so stressed that she appeared to be having an anxiety attack. Then when her and Jerry were in the tie-breaker and they both answered 100 I thought she and I would both faint. In the end she pulled through.

Then like expected she put up Ollie and Jerry as nominees. Looking good so far but still a Power of Veto ceremony to complete. Again stressful but Dan stepped up and won the POV in no time flat!

Back into the house where the house guests voted to evict the ohhh so gloomy Ollie from the house. It was an amazing week watching Ollie self-destruct ensuring that no one would want him in the house. When the vote was announced he hopped up from his chair and bolted for the door. Even Julie Chen commented that he was the fastest houseguest to leave the house upon being evicted.

Knowing that we are now down to Memphis, Dan, Keesha, Renny, and Jerry makes me so happy! Right now as long as Jerry goes soon I would be happy with any of the four winning the game. Of course though I still favor Memphis and Dan.

Final 4
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The Truth About Love

No sadly I don’t know the real truth about love and I am not about to impart it to you. šŸ™

Instead I bring you a movie review…

The Truth About Love (2004)[rating:4.5]

This British film with Jennifer Love Hewitt really hit the spot for me tonight. At first I thought it would be one of those same old love stories where something happens and you can see the rest of the plot from a mile away. This was not the case with this film.

Another thing that made this film work for me was I’ve had some disappointments in the past week or two. The last thing you want to see in that case is a sappy love story, a depressing story or something with too much drama. This film had enough real life to not seem fake or sappy, and had enough sweetness to cheer you up without being so sweet you want to brush your teeth.

It was filmed on location in Bristol, Bath and Cardiff all of which I haven’t visited yet therefore it had some scenery I haven’t seen before but some aspects that reminded me of London.

So in closing I recommend this film and bought it previously viewed so friends of mine you are welcome to borrow it.

Oh! One other thing. I picked up on some new vocabulary today I need to understand the proper use of. I think it must be localized to Cardiff or Wales because the first instance came from JakeyBoyX‘s blog. It was used in the context of staying home sick from work legitimately.

“Iā€™m not taking the piss, and there are plenty of piss-takers out there;”

My guess on that one would be similar to the term “Screwing the pooch” or “Fu*king the dog” meaning taking advantage of the system.

Then from the movie tonight they used sentence:

“You’re not going home to your beautiful wife?” “She’s out on the piss with her beautiful sister”

My guess on that usage would be like screwing the pooch but more “fooling around” or “hanging out”.

Now that I think about it we use many forms of “piss” here too:

  • Boy was she pissed off (Mad)
  • Piss-off! (Get out of here)
  • Pissing about (Doing nothing)
  • Boy am I pissed (Drunk)

Who knew that was so versatile? Jakey or any other UK readers want to clarify the Welsh/English meanings I took a guess at above?

Preempted and worth the wait!

Dang politics always preempting my favorite shows. Luckily this time I was home to witness the preemption. Nothing worse than coming home to watch your favorite show you recorded only to see a speech from the White house recorded instead. So after I watched some of the Democrat convention (I just couldn’t stop marveling at what a captivating speaker Hillary was, the energy in the speech was contagious) Big Brother finally came on.

So we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Power of Veto competition and ceremony tonight! Memphis wins POV hands down! I could barely stay sitting on the couch watching him fly across the screen. Then Dan! Dan, Dan, Dan! What an amazing play to set the house on fire and play his POV roulette game. Memphis used the POV to take himself off the block and then Dan made each house guest say who they wanted to go up. Michelle said Keesha, Ollie said Renny, Keesha said Michelle and Renny said Ollie. Hurray! Renny won’t like Ollie so much now šŸ™‚ Then swooping in and breaking his deal with Ollie, Dan puts Michelle up on the block.

So this means that either Jerry or Michelle is going home on Thursday and from a spoiler clip I saw on the internet earlier today (when I was looking for that HoH video to show you) OLLIE loses his mind! You saw a bit of it tonight with Ollie throwing the lollipop at the cameras and then going outside and dumping over that flowerpot looking thing by the patio doors. The heat is going to be on and in a perfect world I could only hope that he gets so vicious that Thursday, for the double eviction, Michelle goes home followed directly by Ollie.

Like my friend Nick said to me today, it be awesome to see the four person alliance go to the end and then see how they choose to turn on each other.

Orange or Blue
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So much going on right now and don’t know where to begin so I think I will write this catch-up post in the updates style:

Big Brother Updates:

  • Sunday’s HoH competition was honestly the funniest HoH I have ever seen. I don’t know why and I almost feel guilty for loving it so much! This was the best video clip I could find of it for you. You have to at least watch until the 27 -30 second mark to see the full IMPACT!

    It reminds me of a recurring dream I had in junior high school where I was throwing people that used to harass me against the wall using mental powers LOL.

Sex and the City status:

  • Well since we last talked I have FINISHED the entire series. I am not sure I ever watched it when it aired on TV. The next thing I have to do now is watch the Movie again. I think it only fitting to see it right after finishing the series. One thing I wanted to comment on was how mad I got when Carrie didn’t go to her party with the fans of her book. To set it up for those that may not have seen this episode Carrie met some fans in a bookstore in Paris. They wanted to throw a party for her and have supper as a group of friends. This was HUGE for Carrie and it gave her great joy. Then later that night her boyfriend was upset about his work and asked her to come with him as support, selfishly not caring about this huge accomplishment that was just as important for Carrie. She chose to go with him in reaction to his controlling behaviors. By doing this she denied herself and also her fans/friends throwing her party. She didn’t have contact information for her fans so she stood them up to make it worse. Her boyfriend ended up being fine and basically forgot she was even with him. So she finally had the wake-up call she needed that the relationship wasn’t good for her and ran to the restaurant only to find that everyone was gone and obviously upset because a copy of her book lay on the table covered in wine and food stains. I realize this was a complex situation and I have been in this situation myself in the past. I write this in hopes that none of you find yourself in controlling, self sacrificing relationships or that if you do, you take action!

Where was I Monday?

  • Monday night I went to a costume party! LOL It was a theme party that some friends throw annually that revolves around a specific decade. Last year they did the 60’s and this year they chose 50 BC. So relevant costumes were of the Roman, Egyptian, Arabic, and Gaul empires. I managed to sew by hand a Roman Tunic I modeled after Sextus Properties who I found on Wikipedia simply because he was born in 50 BC. It was an awesome party idea and I had a lot of fun. Their living room was full of pillows to lounge about with lots of period food like nuts, fruits, olives, humus, bread, oil & vinegar. Sadly I do not have a picture of me in my costume but I plan to use it for Halloween this year so perhaps then. Also to those concerned for me there were no wardrobe malfunctions, though the breeze up the skirt occasionally caught me by surprise and I had to be mindful of sitting down vs my normal spread eagle pose.

So that is it for updates I think. I am very excited for Big Brother tonight but even more excited for Thursday’s DOUBLE EVICTION episode!


So as a vegetarian McDonald’s doesn’t offer that same variety that it did when I was a meatetarian. Now, when I succumb to the power of the of the golden arches I have a pretty standard order of “A large Sprite, large fries, and two apple pies”. Today however was a bit different and I am so glad it was!

Today I had just come from a delightful trip to 7-11 with a friend of a friend that was visiting here from Australia. At 7-11 I ordered a large Slurpee (aka Frosty, Slush, Froster, Icey, basically a cold snow like pop beverage). So because I already had a drink it caused a welcome glitch to my McDonald’s order.

I pulled up to the drive through window and ordered with a smile “A large fries and two apple pies“. Typed out doesn’t quite do it justice so I suggest you click here to listen to how I ordered. As I said it giggles bubbled up in my voice. Then the man in the speaker repeated back to me with just as many giggles “A large fries and two apple pies”.

Not sure what was in the air but this simple rhyme had us both acting a little crazy. It got even better when I please proceeded up to the first window and he leaned out laughing and said “I don’t know how to tell you this but ‘we’ve got the fries, just no apple pies‘”.

I know, plain old silly and barely blogable but I did so in the hopes you could share in our McGiggles!

24 hour McDonalds sign in the Czech Republic
24 hour McDonald's sign in the Czech Republic. A few countries in Europe will say NON STOP instead of 24 hour