My favorite food!

For the curious mind out there my favorite food is Nachos!

I love nachos so much that at times I will become slightly obsessed with them and find it hard to order, make or think about anything else. I love all the toppings! Love the guacamole, love the salsa, even love the jalapeños! But most of all I think I am addicted to the crunch and texture of the chip because I tend to also enjoy anything served with nacho chips like spinach and artichoke dip.

I was recently reminded by my friend Miguel of a shameful time in my past known as “Nacho week”. I have never had the nacho urge so bad before! So in order to hide my nacho addiction I invited a different friend out each night that week to a different Boston Pizza. I ate a record number of 8 consecutive nacho suppers that week until I was caught. (or did I run out of friends and BP’s?) I am pretty sure that someone eventually pieced together conversations they overheard about who I visited each night and busted me on “Just how many times this week have you had nachos?”.

This is the cartoon Miguel sent me Friday.

This reminded me of you and your week of nachos!!

Big Brother Mania!


I know I have been lacking on the Big Brother updates because of my back but don’t think for a minute that I stopped watching!

In fact I haven’t missed an episode this entire season. I may have also been resistant to write about Big Brother for the last couple of episodes because it might have ended up sounding something like this….

Dan, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Memphis, Memphis, Dan, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Memphis, Dan, Dan, JESSIE, Dan, Dan, Memphis, Dan, Memphis, DAN, DAN, DAN!… Jessie!

Needless to say it has been a great few episodes for my favorite house guests! Memphis getting himself off the block. Dan and Memphis’s plans working down to the letter. Dan winning HoH. Dan winning the luxury competition! It has been awesome to watch. They are down to the final three now with only Dan, Memphis, and Jerry (pffft) remaining.

Speaking of the luxury competition! My favorite house guest Jessie Godderz made a guest appearance in the competition inside a gorilla suit! So perfect! In Jessie’s own words “Yeah, it’s me! …. I mean, who else could fill out this suit?” That line I am sure infuriated Leslie, Nick and Joanne.

Classic Jessie!

Halloween DVDs and Horror Movies

Big Big News!

You know those travel plans I told you about that were in the works? Well… It’s now official!

I am going to Peru!

The trip planning is still taking shape but Peru is a GO because the plane tickets are purchased! The rest will follow…

Many of you may be thinking “But I thought he wasn’t going to South America this year? That trip was postponed…” Well this caught me by surprise too. I had a trip planned for September to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile but after such wonderful trips earlier on this year I moved this trip into 2009. (I was a bit upset that Peru didn’t make the cut for that trip). Then because I am a faithful Kylie Minogue fan and subscribe to her news feed, I received an update that read KYLIE TO TOUR SOUTH AMERICA!

I had already had this happen to me once before and ended up seeing Kylie in Prague this May. Well out of curiosity I clicked the link and saw that Kylie was going to Peru on November 6th. Then out of curiosity I thought I would check out seat sales to Peru. I was ecstatic when I found a ticket for $587 round trip from New York. Could I do this? I checked further. I had more than enough Aeroplan miles to get me to New York. Hmmmm? I checked further. I weighed things out in my mind and thought a 1 week trip to Peru in November would be very doable and then I wouldn’t feel bad about missing Peru in 2009. I waited a bit longer to see if a friend of mine in New York, that I was planning to go to South America with in 2009, could get the time off work. While I waited to hear from her I noticed that most of the flights from New York connected through Miami. Well I can get to Miami for the same Aeroplan miles that I can get to New York so I checked out tickets from Miami. $350!!! All taxes included!!! (If I was ecstatic about $587 you can imagine how I felt about $350)

So the morning of my birthday I got online. Booked my tickets to Miami! Booked my tickets to Lima, Peru! Got the biggest smile on my face and it was a done deal!

Here is my crazy itinerary:

  • Edmonton
  • Chicago
  • Charlotte
  • Miami
  • Panama City
  • Lima
Then coming home:

  • Lima
  • Panama City
  • Miami
  • Denver
  • Edmonton

9 flights in total not including the inter-country flights I will book in Peru to take me from Lima to Cuzco to visit Machu Picchu and maybe to Iquitos!

So be prepared right here for travel updates, stories, tips, and images from Peru in November!

PS Did I mention that the Kylie tickets haven’t gone on sale yet? LOL I am most positive that I will obtain tickets. However if I don’t, I will not be crushed. The main focus of this trip is Peru, Kylie is a mere, but wonderful, perk!

Protecting the bits

Not sure when the last time you went for an x-ray was but have you noticed the absence of the lead shields they used to be so serious about placing on you in the 80’s and 90’s?

Well let me tell you the shields are still there and you can ask for them! 🙂

The last few times I have gone I have had to ask for them. The attendant was happy each time to just set me up and then run away to her special bomb shelter where she pushes the button in safety.

They will tell you that x-ray technology has improved over the years and the machines focus their rays better and use smaller amounts of radiation… My take is if the shields are still there and only take a second to put on AND if she is still running into the next room to push the button I fully intend to ask for a shield for my “boys” each and every time!

Girls this applies to you as well! Your “boys” are just on the inside but they could still do with some shielding.

Disclaimer: The female gender was used in referring to x-ray attendants because 90% of my attendants have been female. This blog fully supports and isn’t biased against male x-ray attendants. The story imagery is better supported if one gender was used throughout. Thank-you.

International Jock

Party #5, #6, #7, & #8

Party#5 was an awesome intimate special supper with Becca, Michelle, Lesley & Jacob. I took Lesley up on her offer come and pick me up and really appreciated it. We went to Gabanna – [rating:4/5] and I had green onion cakes with sun dried tomatoes and goat cheese to start. Followed by the Baked Portobello Mushroom with brie, tofu, and vegetables. I also had a beautiful dry red wine from Italy that I forgot to make note of the name. It was good times, with good friends thanks guys!

Then it was home to watch Big Brother which I was nervous about because of the Republican National Convention. I had tapped Big Brother because I was out for supper and was scared it would be preempted. Turns out yes it was preempted but I managed to tape long enough to witness Renny’s eviction, and also Dan winning Head of Household. I couldn’t be more thrilled! I really expect and hope for Dan and Memphis to go to the final two. Ideally I think I want Dan to win first place but I would be fine with Memphis winning too.

Party #6 was drinks after work. I managed to go into the office for about 2 pm and clear up some stuff that I needed to be in the office to handle. Then we all left for Co Co Di’s – [rating:3.5/5] for many drinks. I think that I was killing the pain with their awesome Caesars and the tequila shot Farhan sent over. I was happy to see everyone, there were about 14 co-workers/friends from past and present that were able to come and I enjoyed visiting with everyone!

Party #7 was dancing at the bar. Soooooo NOT going to happen with my back so it was cancelled.

Party #8 was bowling today. Again not going to happen with my back. My Chiropractor told me I could go bowling but if I did he would start looking at new cars because I would be making him rich. So I canceled this event too.

Party #9, and the final party, is my family party. Right now it is still scheduled for a nice day relaxing at the cabin but we will see how today plays out.

Update on the back is that I more than likely have a small tear in one of my discs. So I am supposed to rest but at the same time not sit too long, not stand too long and not lay down too long. This combined with an anti-inflammatory and ice. So I am resting as much as one can while making sure I change positions constantly.

I need to make sure it is healed ASAP because I head to Toronto and Montreal in 9 days.