En français…

Welcome everyone, I am writing to you from my hotel room in Rimouski, Québec. I finally had a moment to slow down and check in. You last heard from me when I was in Toronto enjoying myself but also rushing around from office to office for work. Hmmm looking back one post it looks like you last heard from me on subway perhaps with a bit of a glow on. 😉

Well with some hiccups at the airport in Toronto and a $74 taxi ride I will never forget in Montréal I made it successfully to my friend’s apartment. I was falling asleep in the airport so I paid $50 to switch to an earlier flight. This was good because my gut was telling me to do it and it always feels good to listen to your gut. This was bad however because it caused me to arrive in the middle of rush hour and get a cab driver that took me and my wallet for a nice ride.

Still all that forgotten I was so pumped to be in Montréal again and spending time with all my friends I have made over the last few visits here. We didn’t waist anytime catching up. Lucia and I were so pumped to be living together again we stayed up talking until we couldn’t see each other anymore. Then after a full day of work in the office Michel picked me up and after supper and visiting we headed to a Techno Radio show broadcast from a friend’s place. After many drinks, my Spanish, French and even my German started to flow and we headed out to some clubs. LOL yes clubs with an S.

I had a great and memorable time. Well all memorable except for this photo. It wasn’t until the next day I remembered taking it and posting it on Facebook from my cell phone. I love the photo and thought I would share it with you all.


So from that point on the rest of the weekend was pretty chill. We did some shopping on Saturday and Sunday, bought some groceries so I could make my Corn off the Cob soup for Lu. Then Sunday had a great brunch at Eggspection with Christine & Lu followed by a movie “The Women” (2008) [rating:3.5/5] We all enjoyed the movie very much and I think each took something different from it. Definite “Chick Flick” but enjoyable. If you see it try, to watch for a man anywhere in the movie. Even just a guy on the street. I am 95% sure there are no men in the entire film till the very very end which was a very cool for them to pull off. Check it out and report back! 🙂

Beam me up, not down!

Remember yesterday’s post and how on top of the world and happy I was. I mentioned that I was beaming out good vibes to everyone. Well today at Union station (subway) I stopped for a second to let a lady come through the door in front of me. A very grouchy voice from behind me barked “Fu*king MOVE already!” I was shocked; because I was so happy I was able to measurably feel the hit that comment did to my good mood. It didn’t take me all the way down, which would be impossible with how good I was feeling. However it did make me aware that the vibes we are feeling really are beamed out to those around us. Little or Large, Awesome or Aggravated what are you beaming out?

Other than that subway dude I have been having a great time in Toronto and enjoying some quality time with my Eastern co-workers.

Tonight after work, a swim, and supper I hopped on the tube again and went to a friend’s house at 8pm to crash his America’s Next Top Model viewing with one of his friends. I haven’t watched this season at all and back home I have an order to turn my TV off on the 20th so not likely I will see anymore this season but it was a good time and I enjoyed the show.

Then we took an awesome walk through some great neighbourhoods and I got to experience some of the great architecture here in TO. The walk ended with a couple drinks and good times. I only had a couple but on the walk home I was feeling a buzz and the funniest conversation fell out of my mouth.

(While passing Maple Leaf Gardens)
Friend: “This is Maple Leaf Gardens”
Some time passes…
Me: “So what is Maple Leaf Gardens?”
Friend: “Ummmm that is there Toronto Maple Leafs used to play”
Me: “Heheheh ohhhh Of course they did!

That gave me a few giggles. Then back on the tube to my hotel. It was on the subway I came up with this unofficial “Travel Tip” we will refer to as…

Do at your own risk Travel Suggestion:

  • From personal experience I think that everyone should experience a subway ride late at night with a slight buzz on. Not talking plastered, truckered, sh*t faced, or drunk; just a nice buzz. As I rode the subway tonight I recalled the number of times I have been in this scenario. (Rome, Montreal, and now Toronto) All were quite memorable, a bit quirky, and all smiles. Not sure why, perhaps it is a combination of public transit personalities, visual tricks of the moving train, or the slight rocking motion and sometimes unpredictable jumps. Give it a go 🙂

Dan’s the man!

So tonight has been an all around lucky night for me!  I made it to the airport just before rush hour.  I avoided all construction.  I checked in with zero issue.  I boarded the plane and it took off on time.  The plane wasn’t very full so there was plenty of room and an empty seat between me and my awesome new friend.  LOL

Then what I was most worried about was missing the FINALE of Big Brother 10.  Not to worry though, we got into the air, the satellite TV came on, and Big Brother on the Western time zone feed was starting in 15 mins!  Thanks WestJet!

I got to watch the entire episode with no real plane interruptions and I was that giddy guy that is really enjoying his show and can’t help but let out giggles, cheers and arm waving gestures.

The finale show was awesome!  Everything that I wanted to see happen, did.  I was on the fence as to who I wanted to see win because I love Dan and Memphis both. After watching this show I was really hoping Dan would win.  Landslide vote of 7 to 0 votes for Dan!

Then all of you must have come through with the voting because apparently it was a very close race between Keesha and Jerry for America’s favorite juror.  Keesha in the end won the $25,000.  It could very well have been your votes that made her pull out into the lead.  A perfect example of how the American and Canadian readers of this blog should ALL make sure they vote in our respective upcoming elections.  Your vote does COUNT!

*SWOON* and of course I was happy to see Jessie Godderz on the show tonight!  I loved his comments so much!  I think the only person that loves Jessie more than he loves himself is ME!  😉

So after the show I had great conversation with my plane buddy.  Landed without issue, my bags were the first ones off the plane.  I hopped into a cab and was whisked off to my hotel were they were oversold, so they had to juggle some rooms and upgraded me to a deluxe room!  The room is so big I almost need a map to find my way to the bathroom.  It is even bigger than my apartment back home!

I hope all these positive vibes I am beaming out reach all of you reading this and brighten your day!  Now I need to get to bed, work in the morning is going to come all too soon.

Eastern Canada Tour

Cheap Flights at westjet.com!

Surprise! I have been busy blogging about other things that I forgot to announce that tomorrow afternoon I am flying to Toronto! After Toronto I will be heading to Montréal and finally Rimouski.

This trip is a combo work / pleasure trip. It started out that I was gonna fly to Montréal and spend a week visiting with my friends there, while working out of our Montréal offices. Then it turned into a two week trip, adding some days for Toronto and Rimouski, to handle some work related initiatives.

I am very excited to reconnect with my co-workers from Eastern Canada. I am also pumped to see Fall in Montréal and Rimouski! Especially Rimouski because it is situated right along the St. Lawrence river in Québec. The last time I visited Rimouski it was at the beginning of the year when they were hit with massive snow storms and I got snowed in. The snow was piled so high you couldn’t see the fronts of some houses. So needless to say I am excited to see it for the first time all over again but less white!

I am bringing my work and personal laptop with me on the trip so I have full intentions of trying to keep in touch with you all and bring you news, thoughts and hopefully pictures from Eastern Canada!

It is unlikely you will hear from me tomorrow because I have a flight to catch right after work and won’t arrive in Toronto until Midnight due to travel and the 2 hour time difference!

Cheap Flights at westjet.com!

Facebook funny

HAHAHAHA what I am about to share with you is mostly for the laugh. Though I am sure that all of you can identify with at least a bit of the song especially if you use Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, the song probably still speaks to you on that fact that everyone uses it except you!

Contrary to the song I am NOT totally bored with Facebook, however I am very over the applications! I still check it multiple times a day to stay in touch with friends mostly. I also find myself using the chat in there now almost more than my MSN.

Anyways here is the video! Enjoy! PS thanks to Voltsek who runs a blog in Greece I check out from time to time written entirely in Greek. It was his blog I found the video on. (One of the few posts I can read/watch) 🙂