Daft Vids

I stumbled across these two vids tonight and had to share their genius and skill with you all. They seem to be fairly popular but I have yet to see them and I hope the same is true for you. Don’t be scared at the start of the videos. They aren’t going any place bad like the appear to be LOL. (Especially the male version) The most you will see is men dancing in undies, and women dancing in sports bras and workout shorts.

As for the versions… The FEMALE version skill wise is I think the superior. The MALE version I think artistically and humor wise is the better. Watch the GIRLS, Watch the GUYS, Watch them BOTH! Whatever you do I hope you enjoy and it sets an upbeat tone for your Friday! Work it harder, better, faster, stronger!

Female Version:

Male Version:

Scruff Meter!

Still suffering from some jet lag from being out East, my morning routine was slower than normal and since my routine allows NO room for error something had to give this morning. What lost the priority war today was shaving!

I had already let it go the day before which I do from time to time to give my skin a break. That meant that today would definitely require a shave. So today I was a bit scruffy. This got me to thinking about your scruff meter. Sometimes scruff is hot! Sometimes scruff is dumpy. Sometimes it is inappropriate, sometimes it doesn’t matter.

So today I bring you THE SCRUFF METER! In preparing the scruff meter I thought about what actor I could use to demonstrate their vast array of beard levels. Three actors came to mind. Brad Pitt (of course), George Clooney (duh) and Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake won out tonight because Brad and George have been featured in a prior post and by fluke I watched
Rendition (2007) [rating:4/5] and
Brokeback Mountain (2005) [rating:3.5/5]
both while I was out East. As you can see below his beard is also a very versatile actor!

So have your vote! I know where some of you will vote 😉

Scruff Meter

[poll id=”7″]

Fall into Fashion at Undergear

I was shot 3 times today!

Once for Yellow Fever, Once for Typhoid, and once for Hepatitis A! 😉 (The typhoid hurts like a mo-fo)

In prep for my upcoming trip to Peru in November I visited the Government of Canada Travel Reports & Warnings page like I always do when researching a new country or making trip plans. I recommend this site to anyone traveling but I warn you that these reports are slightly dramatic. They are also geared toward Canadian citizens however many countries will have their own versions of the site and the information is similar. To understand how to take the dramatic warnings I suggest you look up countries that you have been to so you can add some perspective. For example virtually every country in the world will talk about things like pickpocketing and crime. This is basic advice for any travel destination. Don’t let it freak you out, basic message is be safe and travel alert.

So reading the report for Peru I realized that the Yellow fever shot was recommended for some parts of the country such as Iquitos. Also in reading the report for Brazil it says you are required to show proof of Yellow fever vaccination before entry to the country. I plan to visit Brazil next year so I booked my appointment with the Travel Health Center.

I went in thinking that I was only getting Yellow fever and was going to ask about Malaria. Well the “nurse of many needles” had other plans. We discussed how I often end up in rural locations on my travels and stay in the houses of some families. That made her check off that I was gonna get a Typhoid shot. Then she looked at my file and informed me that I was up to date on my Hep B shots but they hadn’t given me my final Hep A shot. Check mark on the Hep A. Add those to the Yellow fever shot I came for and that meant three needles.

I was glad to be so covered but it didn’t stop there. The consultation went on. We talked about mosquito netting and an insecticide called Permethrin that you can’t buy in Canada but can order from the states or they sell the nets treated with Permethrin. The BIG tip I got from her on this was you can wrap your bed in a hotel or hostel with your net when you check-in. This will kill bed bugs or other creepy crawlies like ticks, fleas, lice etc. Then when you go to bed use it as a net to keep mosquitoes away.

Then we talked about Cuzco, Peru which is 3,225 m above sea level. To ensure I enjoy the few days I will have there she recommended drinking lots of water, avoid alcohol, and eat a high carb diet. Also she prescribed Diamox® for prevention of Acute Mountian Sickness (AMS) or Altitude sickness just in case I need it.

Then for the Malaria pills. There are many options out there for Malaria prevention so you should discuss with your doctor the right one for your circumstance. For example because a number of years ago I suffered from depression and I disclosed that when she asked. She changed her recommendation because some Malaria pills can have psychotic side effects if you have ever had depression. So I have a prescription for Malarone®.

So you can see it was a very throughout visit. So much more to think about and prepare for than I originally thought. So if you are planning some adventure travel… Do your body a favor and add your doctor or local Travel Health Center to your travel planning.

Melting Racism

I know pretty heavy topic for a Tuesday morning but for some reason the topic of Racism has been popping up in my life lately.

Living in Canada I am sometime oblivious to race or skin tone because this country is so diverse you come to expect that the people around you may or may not look exactly like you. I am in no way saying that this country is free of racism. I am just saying that we are lucky to have exposure to so many cultures. On my flight home from Toronto the man sitting next to me reminded me of such a time when I was oblivious to my surroundings.

I was on one of my road trips down into the states and due to a lucky win of $1,400 in Vegas my trip made an unscheduled route change that landed me in San Diego, California at about 11:30 pm in complete darkness. I couldn’t seem to get out of residential neighbourhoods and needed to find a hotel district. I finally found an Albertson’s (grocery chain) that was open and got out to stretch my legs and ask for directions. While inside I remembered that a friend had asked me to pick-up some powdered buttermilk that they only sold in the states. So I wandered up and down the isles looking for buttermilk when a man tapped me on the shoulder and said “What are you doing here?”. Shocked I replied “Ummm buying buttermilk”. He replied “No really, what are you doing here?”. As a crowd started to gather I assured him I definitely was just there for the buttermilk and directions to a hotel. To which he replied “Did you not noticed that you are the only white guy in here? This is a Hispanic ONLY grocery store”. I was stunned, now that I looked around I could definitely see that yes, I was the only “white guy” but I felt proud that I hadn’t noticed. When I replied I didn’t notice, he became quite friendly and escorted me through the checkout line and to my car pointing me in the direction of a hotel.

I personally feel that racism comes from ignorance and intolerance. Either people don’t know enough about each other to understand and that breeds confusion, fear, and hate or people aren’t tolerant of each other. This tolerance I speak of goes both ways. Not just tolerance for differences but also tolerance for other people’s boundaries. Be aware that what makes you different might infringe on what makes someone else different. Don’t change, just respect those differences are at opposition.

Tough concepts that none of us are perfect at but the more we try, and ask questions the better we will become. If you can’t accept the differences, focus on the similarities. For instance people from 32 countries have now read this blog. You now have something in common with 32 other cultures so far. 🙂


WOW so busy and so burnt out! Excited to come home on Sunday night. I have lots of stuff I would like to write about so I thought a revelations format would work well so I can share some tidbits.

Neil’s Revelations:

  • AC Jazz is less an airline and more of a bus with wings
  • When presenting to a room full of a French speaking audience and you switch to Spanish by accident they do notice
  • There is zero probability of looking even remotely hot when you wake up after a two hour flight on a propeller plane with your face smushed against the window
  • Even the nicest of cab drivers can turn rank on you when you reach your destination
  • In cab speak “Just around the corner” means “Speed up and slam on the brakes after my stop so my laptop flies into the front seat please”
  • The Latin Quarter of Montreal is just North of the Gay Village, it is very alive at night with happy people, and beautiful hopping outdoor patio restuarants
  • La Saint-Sulpice is the largest Terrasse in Montreal (Place to drink outdoors). It is very fun to have drinks with friends in a large setting
  • I still prefer the Terrasse named Sky Terrasse in the village because it is on a roof top and has a better feel
  • If the McDonald’s cashier has to walk you to the bathroom and let you in personally with a key…. This is most likely not a bathroom you will enjoy using
  • Montreal has enough demand to support four male strip clubs! However of those four, two are kinda seedy. I suggest you check out “Campus” if you are in the mood. On a Thursday night it was busy and had a steady stream of entertainment.
  • It is a small world and it just keeps getting smaller. We ran into some people from France that my friend knew. I also ran into someone I met in Edmonton who is here for vacation
  • If you are traveling and have the urge to buy a large glass fish bowl… Don’t…. you will end up with buyer’s remorse quite quickly and return it later that week
  • Crepes can be eaten for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and late night snack

Well I think that brings us basically current. Tonight I am headed out to Stereo Bar where my friend’s are hosting the same Techno radio show that I attended last Friday at their house. I am dead tired but I am really looking forward to it!